Which UFO LED should i buy?


Well-Known Member
I have seen them on ebay for as low as 138. I looked at some others on ebay that are almost 200, and they are exactly the same as the 1 that is 138......I know some websites have some for over 500$ and im sure they are better than these on ebay, but i just cant afford that atm. So do you think i should just buy the cheapest one for 138, or spend a few more bucks and get one closer to the 200$ range???

tea tree

Well-Known Member
All I can say is I got one of the 280 ones on auction for 200 and it came in a reg brown box with some thrid rate brochure. It was nice and all but there is one out there with a real box and shit for cheeper. I sold mine for 150 when I needed cash and was panicking leds would never work over my metal halide.


Well-Known Member
All I can say is I got one of the 280 ones on auction for 200 and it came in a reg brown box with some thrid rate brochure. It was nice and all but there is one out there with a real box and shit for cheeper. I sold mine for 150 when I needed cash and was panicking leds would never work over my metal halide.
so i should go with the cheaper 1?