Which side are you on?

Which side are you on?

  • Government

    Votes: 1 5.9%
  • Private Sector

    Votes: 1 5.9%
  • The People

    Votes: 15 88.2%

  • Total voters


New Member
Simple question, Which side are you on if you had to choose one?

Government (Democrats)
Private Sector (Republicans)
The People


New Member
Ever seen the movie or read the book
"The grapes of wrath"?
Thats what small government looks like. Libertarians arent for the people even though you claim otherwise

Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member
I'm all for the private sector. But that's not what Republicans are for. Sorry, but screw the people. The people only care about them as a group. The people are dangerous. Way worse than any dystopia the liberals or conservatives can think of. Think Lord of the Flies, but worse.Nothing is worse than a group of crazies that have delusions their actions are for the greater good. In the end all you have is people anyway. Government is people doing actions. Private sector has people. It needs to be each person. Bad things happen when you advocate for the people and not every person. People is singular, but as a collection of individuals. Once you only think people, the individual has no say.

Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member
Lord of the Flies thats a good one also
Only thats not small government
Thats no government
Political theory is very complicated. There's more than one way to get the same goal. Lord of the Flies is an extreme for the people. They did have a government. Ralph was the leader. The conch shell represented the people's voice. The same bullshit when a speaker has the floor in congress


Well-Known Member
Simple question, Which side are you on if you had to choose one?

Government (Democrats)
Private Sector (Republicans)
The People (Libertarians)
i'm for oversimplification, false trichotomies, and believing that my naive interpretation of the world is the only one possible. :cool:


New Member
Ralph the Voice of reason was deposed With the Opposition using Fear. And From there it quickly descended into Anarchy and Chaos, Ralph Only Survived due to the intervention of Order at the arrival of The Rescue ship

Now Lets Go Back to the Grapes of Wrath
In that Book The Farmers and Farmers Associations did Everything in their Power to Exploit the Labor to the Point of renegging on wages promised
The Workers had to take what was given becuase they had no one to Turn to

Charlie Ventura

Active Member
Ralph the Voice of reason was deposed With the Opposition using Fear. And From there it quickly descended into Anarchy and Chaos, Ralph Only Survived due to the intervention of Order at the arrival of The Rescue ship

Now Lets Go Back to the Grapes of Wrath
In that Book The Farmers and Farmers Associations did Everything in their Power to Exploit the Labor to the Point of renegging on wages promised
The Workers had to take what was given becuase they had no one to Turn to
And eventually, this is what the Obamaites have in store for us ... an enormous company store, from which, there is no escape.



Well-Known Member
Ralph the Voice of reason was deposed With the Opposition using Fear. And From there it quickly descended into Anarchy and Chaos, Ralph Only Survived due to the intervention of Order at the arrival of The Rescue ship

Now Lets Go Back to the Grapes of Wrath
In that Book The Farmers and Farmers Associations did Everything in their Power to Exploit the Labor to the Point of renegging on wages promised
The Workers had to take what was given becuase they had no one to Turn to
I see dukeanthony is back.


Well-Known Member
I would say that I am a libertarian but your categories are not really that well defined.


King Tut
Ever seen the movie or read the book
"The grapes of wrath"?
Thats what small government looks like. Libertarians arent for the people even though you claim otherwise
i've read it and my father lived through it.

Things turned out quite nicely for him.

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
i've read it and my father lived through it.

Things turned out quite nicely for him.
I wonder if that had anything to do with the social safety net and labor laws created after the Great Depression? Like Social Security, minimum wage, child labor laws, regulations for Wall Street, Medicare, disability, unemployment benefits, EEOC, The Labor Department, environmental protection, etc., etc., etc., amen.

Both my parents lived through it. Yes they did quite well but they sure lost a lot of family along the way. Mostly from diseases that could have been survived if there were medication... or doctors.... or hospitals.... or food.

They still carry physical and emotional scars from living through it. I finally broke them from hoarding. We have sheds FULL of stuff. I'm slowly winning them over to the idea of having a garage sale. ::crossing fingers::


New Member
Cuz FDR was the hero of the government is all powerful and can fix all problems with a few simple regulations crowd. Yet hotdogs quite often had a finger in them.
Would you feel better eating a can of beef now Or in 1905?
FDR didnt regulate food. The USDA came into existance 30 years before he took Office. And FDR is a hero to many who lived during that era. He came and turned things around. its why he got reelected 4x.


Well-Known Member
Would you feel better eating a can of beef now Or in 1905?
FDR didnt regulate food. The USDA came into existance 30 years before he took Office. And FDR is a hero to many who lived during that era. He came and turned things around. its why he got reelected 4x.
It is a well known FACT that FDR turned jack and shit around. WW2 gets that distinction. FDR thought that government could cure all ills, only thing he proved was that the harder Government tries, the more it fails. He got elected 4 times because he was always promising gifts from the public trust to be doled out like candy at a parade. Its a forgone conclusion that the politician who promises the most can fool the most and can get elected. Especially if he does it under the guise of change, heart, integrity and faith, which are politician buzzwords for BS Rhetoric.

BTW I would rather have the Non Hormone grown beef that was flavorful and well marbled than the immunized, corn fed, hormonized, genetically mutated canned beef that we have today. Just like i like to eat my organically grown veggies rather than buy the shit tasting ones you get at the store. But you keep fooling yourself that the food of today is vastly superior that that of yesterday.

USDA was created by a Republican.

they found a mouse in some syrup just last week. Where was the USDA?


New Member
Lot of people would of died without the intervention of government. FDR is a hero for what he did. You cannot revise election results he got elected 4x

And nothing is stopping u from buying the beef you want