which is better in the long run, air cooled glass panel reflector or large adjusta-wing?


Well-Known Member
Right, summer is nearly here in the UK and i have two choices, ive got both air cooled reflectors and large adjusta wings. Now the question is, am i going to be better off with the air cooled hoods and lower temperatures or the adjusta wings and higher temperatures? which is likely to give the best yield? with my adjusta wings the best temperatures i can get during summer is about 34 degrees c which is too hot i know, but with the air cooled hoods i can get an average of 28-29 degrees on the hot days. I know that you lose some lumens through the glass panels, so what in your opinions is going to be the best yielding option for me?

Thanks in advance!

Jimmy Sparkle

Well-Known Member
My personal choice only.... I like open reflectors withough glass or being air cooled. But I have other climate control measures if the heat get too high.


Well-Known Member
I like open reflectors with out glass less burnt fingers or hair

but every good Russian uses the open reflectors for veg and the tubes for bud

good luck


Well-Known Member
Hi vostok, what is the difference in using a different reflector for veg and flower? Not heard of this before!