Which CFL's for vegging/flowering from WAL*MART?


Well-Known Member
Hi, I'm planning on going to WalMart to pick up the cfl's I need for my 5 or so plant grow, so my question is - are the 42w 2800k bulbs suitable for flowering and then does anyone know if they sell the 6000k ones (Daylight) or whatever? It's hard to tell from their website and takes me half an hour to get to the store just to check so I'd like to know beforehand.

Also, how many lights per plant during veg/flowering?

Thanks so much for your help :)


Well-Known Member
I found the 42w 2700K CFL's at target for 7.49, at least 1-2 dollars cheaper than anywhere else.


Well-Known Member
We have a couple Walmarts in town and they only have the 42w bulbs in stock about half the time. The cheapest I've found them is Target, $7.50.

If I were you, I'd call and find out what they have first. :peace:


Active Member
Try a Home Depot. I know that most of them specifically stock a brand named "N.Vision" that makes compact flourescents in both the flowering and vegitative spectrums. The ones in the Green packaging are for flowering and the ones in the Red are for vegitative growth. The also come in relatively high output wattages so theres another plus.

As far as how mamy lights per plant, it greatly depends on the wattage you purchase and the environment you will be growing in (ie- is it in a closet, is the closet lined with reflective material, etc.)

Aside from that,
just go find yourself a well stocked Home Depot. They'll have what you need for sure.