Which Biobizz soil for perpetual grow


Well-Known Member
[FONT=&quot]Im planning on doing a clone to flower perpetual grow in soil I just cant decide if I need the Biobizz "All mix" or "Light mix" as the E.C. & PH values are different. Should I go with the soil with lower values as the clones will need mild nutrients in the beginning & after a few weeks I can add Biobizz bloom nutrients until harvest OR should I go for the soil with higher nutrient contents which is ideal for blooming? I just cant decide.[/FONT]

I want to be able to achieve results like this (lollipopped plants in small containers):


[FONT=&quot]Which soil would you use?[/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]Ive heard great things about this brand also:[/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]The Gold label soil contains nutrition for 4 weeks. PH @ 5.9/EC @ 1.8/NPK@ 8:0,5:2:5 (I cant quite read the NPK values the company set to me )[/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]Id like to order the soil asap so all opinions welcomed.[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]Unfortunately Foxfarm isnt available in the U.K. thought Id state that if anyone if wondering.[/FONT]


Well-Known Member
Did you think about mixing them? If you want to go from seed to flower, I would mix them at a ratio of 2:1. 2 parts all-mix 1 part light-mix soil.


Well-Known Member
Did you think about mixing them? If you want to go from seed to flower, I would mix them at a ratio of 2:1. 2 parts all-mix 1 part light-mix soil.
Finally someone answers.

I want to avoid mixing anything.
If I were to use the light mix during cloning & transplant to All mix when the roots are established would that be ok? Or will the all mix nutrient values be too much for the young cutting?


ya dude you should be fine transplanting them as you stated, just make sure to water properly before transplanting so you reduce transplant shock and your roots stay nice and happy.