Where would you go if you had a time machine?


Well-Known Member
i would like to go back to the 1940s to see what world war two was really about and to assassinate hitler


Well-Known Member
I'd go back in time and NOT respond to this thread.

I just blew my own fucking mind, man.


Everyone says go back and kill hitler... pfffffff no imagination.

I'd cash my check and go back in time to when Apple started and invest it ALL!


Well-Known Member
Everyone says go back and kill hitler... pfffffff no imagination.

I'd cash my check and go back in time to when Apple started and invest it ALL!
But it would take you so long to make any money doing that - at least 30 years. There's got to be a quicker way to make money if you could go back in time...


Well-Known Member
I'd go to like 2100 and see whats up with that. But it would probably suck and id end up back in 2009.


Well-Known Member
Social Suicide: If I had a time machine I would try to stop humanity from evolving. mhm


Well-Known Member
id go back 20 years and bring my list of everyone that ever fucked with me and then fuck with them huge

example... kidnap someone and fuck them over with a tattoo in there cheek hahaha


Well-Known Member
I'd like to re-do everything since high school and relive my life all over again differently not making the same mistakes this time, but I don't suppose that's what you meant. Ok I'd go back and kill William Randolph Hearst and Harry Anslinger for you all.


But it would take you so long to make any money doing that - at least 30 years. There's got to be a quicker way to make money if you could go back in time...
Time machine to take back to present times? Just alter the course of history in your favor GREATLY and there ya go. Just invest it under some random name and account, then come back and transfer it out. People were easy to con back then, just social yourself everything you need.:hump:


Active Member
ever wondered what sativa/indica dinosaurs munched on for their hightimes? hahaha
does lottery numbers ring a bell? $$$$$


Active Member
i would go back to the time when they revised the bible, i think it's called the nicean convention or something, but there was a time when they decided what was christian enough of the christian mythos and i would make some much needed adjustments.

i think religion is beautiful, but an absolutely necessary facet of it needs to be fluidity, an ability to evolve. i think the bible along with it's good messages included current social standards that have no bussiness there. mainly, no one predicted that 2000 years later we would fight of mis translations, spelling errors etc.

anyways my point.

could you imagine where mankind would be today if the great minds of the last 2000 years were encouraged to flourish rather than worry the church won't like their science. if galielo could have been given a grant instead of being forced to retract his findings?

where could geology be if they were allowed to ask how old the earth is rather than be told it's 6,000.....because the bible says so.

medical science crippled by strange morals forbidding disection, autopsy. the entire victorian era and how women recieved such poor care because doctors weren't allowed to veiw their anatomy.

i think a couple quick clean passsages could reshape mankind in such an impactful way, for the better. just keep the same crap, the stuff for the sheep, because youneed that. you need to accept people are sheep and like children you sometimes need to tell a nice story for their own good, but to simply allow room for those stories to change, when the minds of the people grow to accept new facts you don't need to lose your religion, simply have a religion that is capable of accepting new facts.

it could be utopian.
you know, in the creepy crappy, futuristic sci fi way. but rather pleasant none the less.

grow space

Well-Known Member
I would go back to the future and see whats what and steal some cool futu stuff.-but i think when i really would go back to the future, then the whole fucking world is just destroyed by ourselves and only some cannibals may still live in the place what we used to call home.


Well-Known Member
I'd go back about 2000 years beat the crap out of jesus..... so that the bible never comes out... emmm then i would travel a bit back, to see some dinosaurs, then i would love to be a black knight in the medieval times, chop off some guys head, travel back to 2009, smoke my weed.... wait, i'll go to the mayans, smoke there hash, then i would go to visit the pyramids to see if the humans realy did build it.

then i would go and beat the shit out hitler, emmmm.... kill bin ladens mother...

When i come back apes have taken over the world... OH NOOOOOOOOOOOO