Where to dry buds when growing guerilla


I'm pretty sure I'll be able to do everything I need EXCEPT dry the buds. Obviously, I can't put them in windowsills, and I'm not sure if hanging them from tree branches would attract attention. My grow spot, as proposed, is only about maybe 20 feet away from a house. But you can't really see it for all the heavy plant growth in there, and I might just plant a few more..... but yeah, curing and drying, I'm not sure how to do it without someone stealing the buds. for curing I figured I'd just put the buds in plastic bottles and cure them behind some bushes on our property line, up against thick weed growth by a fence. My main concern with that is if other people will be able to smell it. For this reason, I'm not doing it in my house. Drying seems even harder. If I just lay out the buds on tree branches, or wedge them in the space between the branch and the trunk, I think a bird or a animal might eat it, or some thug could grab it. My grow spot only has one path (as of now) leading to it, so it's not accessible from the main path, nor is it really visible. Can anyone give me some helpful tips?


Well-Known Member
Take them some place remote and out of the sun, not in a bottle, that will trap moisture. You can just sun dry them, they would be ready in a couple of days that way. No big loss of potency. That is how they do it in Mexico or large operations. Cover them with chicken wire or mesh if you are worried about a deer eating it.


thanks for the help....i may actually end up not doing the grow because I just found out that the area I chose is WAY too close to houses.....and the potential for little kids exploring the forest to find it is immense. I think it's actually safer to grow indoors, if you can....that way there's really no chance of other people finding out about it unless you tell them...i'm going to wait until at least two years from now, I'm not quite ready to go to jail.....I'm not writing off becoming a supporter of the legalization movement, and neither am I saying I'm not gonna smoke pot, I'm just not gonna grow it yet!

on that note, what should I do if I'm looking for a respectable marijuana dealer? How to find one, how to make sure they aren't working for Big Brother, etc.


Well-Known Member
A good pot dealer well......Trial and error I guess. Hang around cool people, not ones that give you a bad vibe and ask around. When you find some really good smoke, stock up and put it in a glass jar in the fridge. In other words, save up for whatever amount will get you through a long time, and then wait for the good stuff.

I have seen many dealers get busted or just quit, so you gotta grab it while it is good to get.