Where to buy hydrometer?


Well-Known Member
I see a lot of people suggesting all over the site to pick up something to measure the water level in the soil. Some have been referring to it as a hydrometer and claiming that its only $5-15 at various stores.

Well, Ive done a couple google searches for the word hydrometer and the results are not so good. I'm wondering if maybe im missing something simple and hoping someone here can give me a link to what im looking for.

I'm a huge fan of using technology whenever possible so Id really rather pick something like this up on the cheap, if possible, than do it by feel.

Thanks in advance for the help and I look forward to posting more and learning as much as possible here.


bud bootlegger
i just googled water moisture meter for soil and found that one.. i don't ever use one myself though, but w/e floats your boat i guess, lol.. :)


Active Member
You can find them in garden sections at walmart and home depot, or at local garden centres. I find them quite handy, especially with hard to reach pots.

You might not want one from the dollar store, but I wouldn't invest too much in them.

I use >This one<.


Well-Known Member
you really need a guage to tell you when to water?
I'm a first timer and I have a hard-on for applicable technology if its cheap enough. Sorry, but im humble enough to realize that I will not be able to accurately gauge whether a plant needs water and as a first timer it will greatly increase my chances of not over/under-watering my investments like so many guides say first timers do.

Thanks to everyone else who wasn't trolling. It seems it was simply an issue of terminology


Well-Known Member
Radio Shack has moistur meters that you stick in the plant and when they need watering they flash a green light, I got them on sale for 2.99 each. Have them stuck in my moms so can't reach them all. I also have a remote monitering system I found at Homer depot that cost 40$ tells you temp and moisture content.Will track up to 4 probes, I have the receiver in the kitchen so I see it every day.