Where To Attach A Odorsok or other Carbon Filter


Well-Known Member
Where exactly should the Odorsok be placed. From the pictures I have seen it just operates independent of anything else in the room with a fan attached to it.

I would like to place it at the begining of the exhause circuit. Any air going out is going to have to go through the filter.

Question, with the unit attached to the exhaust cirucit will it have any impact on the air in the room ? Advice please, I have to buy something today.


Active Member
the odorsok will cut your air circulation slightly, I installed one about a week ago and I noticed it was a degree or 2 warmer in my room. However it works great!! and the temp increase is worth not having my entire property smell skunky like it was before the install


Well-Known Member
I have same question.. perhaps Dioji, you could tell us where is the filter located in your set up? Is it housed in a HVAC houseing inline with your exhaust? Do you have it at the end of you exhaust? Do you have it in a housing and a carbon filter at the end? or both inline? one or the other? I read the question and was having the same one.. so I know you could help if you were more exacting in your answer.. like.. how it's set up... "exhaust fan, 10' of hose, I have the odorsok attached to the end and it it right by a window... or ... exhaust fan to a 6" housing holding the odorsok, with screw clamps holding it to two 4"-6" HVAC adapters and then another 10' of hose to the exhaust on the window"... how's it set up?



Well-Known Member
Get a carbon filter have it on the outside of the grow room so that the hot air the fan is sucking in is still been blown outside the grow room.I have 3 plants at this time with another 8 in veg the plants in bloom are 5 week old 6 week this wednesday and they stink[love it]But my girlfriend don't.So i'm gonna add another carbon filter this week cost is riseing because the plants have another 3 week to go this wednesday before i put them into the flowering tent.Another good tip that i picked up in amsterdam is the smelly stuff that you can buy at hydro shops put into you girlfriends tights and put over the end of the exaust tubeing this will last for around a week then you will need to buy more.I also use glade plug in's i set the timer to come on every 5 minutes and this realy works well.