Where not to buy CFL's


New Member
I read everything I could about cfl's and shopped around for the best prices before i went out and picked any up.That being said, i see on ebay that people are going out and buying sylvania bulbs on sale at maybe menards or walmart (23 watt) and then opening them and throwing them up for sale at a huge increase in price, especially when they are charging you 11.99 to ship them two tiny bulbs. I was kinda offended and hope none of you buy bulbs this small for such an exorbatant price. And that spectrum trump up is something else too.
2 NEW PLANT GROW LIGHT CFL BULBS 3000/6500K +FREE GIFTS - eBay (item 230222023508 end time Feb-21-08 10:26:26 PST)


Well-Known Member
" low Temperature Operation + Natural Light Spectrums Make Them Better Than Mh Or Hps! " Lol


Well-Known Member
free gardening guiide!!! OMG! that makes me want to buy it right now!! considering there was a sale at my local lowes. FEIT 6500k cfls 26w for 50cents a piece.