Where is the model?


Well-Known Member
Show us one place in the real world where the GOP "viewpoint" is actually working. Show us a single country that has instituted low tax, low regulation, tiny government solution and has prospered over the long haul. Show is real proof that conservative/GOP "values" work in the real world at any time or in any country.

My bet is that rather than do so, the right that inhabit this site will attack or insult or ignore.

Scrotie Mcboogerballs

Well-Known Member
Look man, in my personal opinion we live in a media fueled world and unfortunately our politics have fell victim to this as much as anything thing else. Instead of getting yourself caught up in the party vs. party circus, find what is important to you and vote on it. Sometimes in maybe republican, sometimes it maybe democrat. When it comes to race, religion, sex and polotics never take sides. it makes you blind to all of the other great ideas being produced by ppl that you quite possibly hate just because they are not on your "side". -Peace and Love


Well-Known Member
So far, no GOP model for governing has been presented. So far someone on another site has mentioned Monaco. But only because there is no taxation there I presume.


New Member
Show us one place in the real world where the GOP "viewpoint" is actually working. Show us a single country that has instituted low tax, low regulation, tiny government solution and has prospered over the long haul. Show is real proof that conservative/GOP "values" work in the real world at any time or in any country.

My bet is that rather than do so, the right that inhabit this site will attack or insult or ignore.
There's never been a country that I know of that was run exclusively on US conservative rule.


Well-Known Member
There's never been a country that I know of that was run exclusively on US conservative rule.
Well... rules might be a bit strict. Guidelines, tendencies, something that might have us believe that conservatives might just have something other than their own imaginations as reference for what it is that they contend works and what they contend does not. They point to Greece as example of what does not work, fine, but we can point to the netherlands and Germany as examples of socialist based societies that seem to work quite well. Point is, the GOP, when it gets right down to it - has nothing but supposition both in history or in the present for its contentions. Now why should any of us believe that what they claim will work if it never ever has and does not now? Simply because they say, it didn't work before in this country because we didn't do it hard enough - isn't much of a persuader.


Well-Known Member
Well... rules might be a bit strict. Guidelines, tendencies, something that might have us believe that conservatives might just have something other than their own imaginations as reference for what it is that they contend works and what they contend does not. They point to Greece as example of what does not work, fine, but we can point to the netherlands and Germany as examples of socialist based societies that seem to work quite well. Point is, the GOP, when it gets right down to it - has nothing but supposition both in history or in the present for its contentions. Now why should any of us believe that what they claim will work if it never ever has and does not now? Simply because they say, it didn't work before in this country because we didn't do it hard enough - isn't much of a persuader.
Germany works quite well? Weren't they kind of the shitheads that started 2 world wars? Theft isn't social yet that is all socialism is about.


Well-Known Member
Are you saying that conservative policies have not shaped this country, if you are, you'd be absolutely wrong.
And BTW, had Germany not drastically cut back on social entitlements and long tern unemployment, they'd be in the same boat as Greece. Wouldn't that be considered a fiscally conservative approach?
OMG Don't mention Lichtenstein to him, he will blow a fucking fuse. Although they aren't a GOP country and there is no country that has ever adhered to a certain political system, ever, for long. SHow me all the socialist countries that have been socialist their entire existence and have never had hard times. it doesn't exist.