Where in NA can i buy 4" Plastic Pipe?


Well-Known Member
Hey RIU,

Im designing a verticle coliseum type closet inspired off of Heaths verticle design. I'm pricing all the components, and i'm trying to find the cheapest plastic piping i can. It needs to be 4" OD, but will not have to hold preassure; netpots will sit in holes in the piping itself which will be filled about halfway with water. Self sealing with gaskets would be nice, but cost is the main factor, and i have the tools to cut and glue pipe so i'd rather do that.
Another possibility is bending the pvc pipe instead of buying all of the 90 degree fittings. My design will have 4 levels each requiring two 90's and a 180, equalling 4 90 degree bends per level, 16 in total at like 15 bucks each in 4" sizes. Filling a pipe with hot sand and renting a heat gun might at least gain me all the 90's, saving up to 8 of the fittings.

Basically, i am looking for help from someone who knows piping. I'd rather be able to buy the stuff at HD, but i can look for a plumber supply store if there is a specific type of pipe made for this high OD low preasure type solution.
pipe is measured on inside... so a 4in pipe is actually 4 1/4 or so on the O.D. doubt your gonna find 3 3/4 pipe to make a 4in O.D. they sell the pipe at H.D. the 4in white corrugated pipe is cheap and has a black interior which is good for light block and algee usually in garden section but might be by all the other pipe in plumbimg.