where do i buy psilocybe mushroom kit?


Well-Known Member
Im looking for an easy cubensis cultivation kit and price is not an issue. What do I need to do to get started?

Bluntus McSmokey

Active Member
You don't really need it, but I did this, and it was my first (and only) time, and it worked fine for me:

1. Order from here:

2. I used the "PF Tek for Simple Minds" to get an idea, and then pretty much used the "Simple PF Tek" found here:


I promise you, it was easy, fun, and it saved me money. Like I said, I was brand new, and pulled off some damn good trippy shit off of that. In fact, it was my first time to ever do shrooms.


Well-Known Member
Im kina scared of growing mushrooms. Im legal to grow weed but mushroom cultivation is big time felony here in ca.


Well-Known Member
Yea you can't even get spores ordered to California, or Idaho, or Georgia. Funny how California calls itself progressive... ;)

Bluntus McSmokey

Active Member
Im kina scared of growing mushrooms. Im legal to grow weed but mushroom cultivation is big time felony here in ca.

sorry man, I didn't pay attention to your location. I'm jealous of anyone who lives in NoCal, btw.

Trust me, where I live, its illegal as hell as well, but unlike weed, you don't need special lights, there is no smell coming from your room, e.t.c. It is pretty easy to do. Like I said, I did it, easy peasy.

I was just saying, if you were going to order a special kit, you might as well just do it on the cheap.

I don't know about the spores. They are not illegal where I'm at, but they're illegal to use to grow. Go figure.

Peace to you, and good luck with whatever you do.


Well-Known Member
My friend told me if I order the kit we could grow them in his apartment. problem solved!
sort of the opposite for me. I have the spore syringe, brown rice flour, vermiculite, canning jars, and a friend who will help me but no place to start the op yet. :(