where can i find a cheap thermometer?


Active Member
Need to tell the temp and hum. but the ones i have found are a lil bit pricey for me right now, since i am a starving college student

Newbie question i know that's why i put it here. thx


Well-Known Member
Yeah, I saw some temp/humidity meters for $10 in Zellers the other day so I'm sure Wal-Mart would carry them for a low price too.


Well-Known Member
yep. bought two digital thermometer/hygrometers at Wal-Mart the other day for $10 each. They had a cheaper one but I like the one that has the Min-Max display without having to push any buttons. If you don't need that, I think the other ones were about $6-7.


Active Member
i went back to home depot today and searched a lil harder. found a small one with temp and hum. (all i really need) for 7 bux.