Where can I buy a microscope and which kind is the best?


Well-Known Member
It was recommended by Jorge Cervantes to buy a type of microscope to be used for seeing what color the THC glands are and when to harvest. Im on my first grow ever, so in about 4 weeks, i'll have my first harvest. Just wondering if anyone can recommend something.



Well-Known Member
Thanks....so correct me if im wrong, but the glands are either clear, milky white or amber, and they should be picked when they are amber?
You forgot "smokey" grey (post white) . . . full amber for the "couch-lock" effect . . . somewhere in between, usually.


Well-Known Member
I have the radio shack one and it took a little practice before i finally got it down

Heres the Tip. Press your scope onto the bud dont be scared to crush it like me hahah.

Btw If you harvest if everything is milky but no ambers. Will that decrease your yield?


Well-Known Member
I have the radio shack one and it took a little practice before i finally got it down

Heres the Tip. Press your scope onto the bud dont be scared to crush it like me hahah.

Btw If you harvest if everything is milky but no ambers. Will that decrease your yield?

No. It gives you a different high. If you are looking for that head high and not the couch lock, then harvest when 60% are cloudy and 40% are still clear.

I have the radio shack scope and love it. Can't get it in canada anymore, but it works great for me. I got it like 10 years ago. I will admit though, a 30X would be nice as sometimes it is a little much at 60X. If you are looking for a bug or something then you really have to know the scope. A 30X loupe is good.