Where are you Growing Indoors?


Active Member
Was just wondering where most of you are doing your indoor growing......closets.....attics.....basements......spare rooms......garages.....cabinets.......living room? I have a rather large 2 story garage which is detached from the house.....good supply of electricity, but no water, or heat.....some insulation on the second floor. I am out in the sticks and the garage is about 1200 feet from the road. No basement, attic, or spare room in the house. Pondering some extra retirement income......lol


Active Member
wouldn't work out here with the State Police and Sheriff flyin over lookin at the cornfields for guerilla grows[SIZE=+0].........and what about this new hobby with the handheld GPS...orienteering?[/SIZE]


Well-Known Member
For me the perfect place is our masterbath. We have a huge garden tub. So we have water, drainage, electricity, an air conditioner in the window, an exhaust fan in the same wall (window in walled up and from outside it looks like part of a solid wall), lights on a pulley system over the tub, another exhaust fan (okay it's the small one over the toilet) and we can completely shut out all light. I can seal off the second widow when needed.

For me this is the perfect set-up. I grow outside during the summer but this is my off season grow site. Don't really care about my summer crop being spoted from the sky my crop is legal as long as I keep it under 6 adult plants and 6 immature. The off season grow set-up is for convience not bothered about getting busted I'm a medical marijuana patient. Just stay within the guidelines and the law just smiles as I toke away.


Well-Known Member
Garden Toolshed....i have no probs with temps, water supply, neighboors, animals, electricity, choppers, police cars, smell or even Batman wich occasionally dropps by to steal clones...Peace and Pot


Uses the Rollitup profile
dug out a 12x6x6 room under my house and built a air, water, light proof safe haven.
Outstanding! I've always thought about doing that. The perfect place for a grow op.

I've done every other grow place mentioned so far ...

... except for that. :mrgreen:


Active Member
Had 2 in the closet,It just got so dam big. Way too big & had nowhere else to put it. Ended up smoking about a pound of shit leaf for the next 2 months,
