When you were a weed virgin?


New Member
when you were a weed virgin, what was the first weed you smoked?

My first weed was " commersh " i think it was short for commercial.........this was back
in 06 when i was an 8th grader.....


Active Member
mine was in 1988 wwhen i was 10 yrs old my sister smoke a joint with me and ive been smoking ever since im 32 now. but i got to buy no more. just my seeds


Active Member
it was four years ago, smoked out of a soda can pipe with my best friend, it was both our first times. We got the munchies bad.

JoNny Pot sMokeR

Active Member
Holy fuck i feel like an old man. 14 years ago when I was 14 with my cousin and some of his friends. My cousin made this home made bowl that would blow anyones head off. I got so damned baked. we went to blockbuster and rented old ass thundercat movies and we all laughed till we couldnt laugh any more. we turned the volume down on the tv and improved for like 3 hours. LOL i havent thought about that in years. NIce thread.


Well-Known Member
dang. i feel like a bad person haha first time i smoke was in 4th grade. friends older brother thought it wus funny as hell, i had never heard of drugs other then alcohol lol kinda fucked me in the long run tho i think.... hahaha


I just finished my first harvest/cure. My friend who is a big head came over last night, and I told him I had just requisitioned some northern lights from an anonymous dealer :-P (nirvana).. I bought my first spoon pipe this week, and was excited to christen it. I hit it a little too big, and I got blown the hell out :) It went from my forehead, to the middle, and then it felt like the back of my head fell out,lol.. My arms got quivery, and then very heavy, and it was pretty cool :) .. :weed:


Well-Known Member
My first was in 1968, when I was 12. Panama Red.... man I would love to get my hands on some REAL Panama Red again.


Active Member
1997 at a party at my cousins house. I was very young and it was only fire mexican brick weed. I've smoked ever since. My life is great and the buds keep getting better.


Well-Known Member
Oh man! What year was it when I was 12? 1990! God damn older friends..Look what they did to me! It was a hardware made store brass pipe packed full of brick bud. I laughed my ass off and then got grounded when I got home 3 hrs late and my dad knew what was up. And I was introduced to vodka that night. Shit nothing has changed accept my pops know loves my medical grows.

The sim's Bob Newbie

Well-Known Member
Must've been about 8 years ago...my mum got some off a mate at work so I could try it, only relatively recently have I been smoking it regularly (since I know now how to get it from seeds lol)


Active Member
first time was when i was a freshman in highschool. My friends mom made a batch of brownies for the grown ups but my friend and i found them and because we didnt know who many we should eat so we at the whole tray. highest i have ever been.