When will i know which are male/female at 40 degrees latitude?


Active Member
i have 14 plants outdoors at 40 degrees latitude, when can i expect to be able to distinguish the males from females?


Well-Known Member
within like 3 or 4 more weeks and thay should be flowering this is just a guess dependes on the strain but like when your plant gets like around 12 hours of light itll start flowering look up ur sunset and sun rise and that should tell you how much light ur plant gets.


Active Member
well i couldnt believe, i visited my garden for the 1st time in maybe 11 days and i couldnt clearly tell the males from females. the pollen sacks were fully developed (a few were open.. but not too many). i have 8 out of 15 females so im pretty happy, and the pistils are already developing real nice. i just cant understand how this happened so early, and i also am wondering if the few pollen sacks exploded will result in seeds for sure.


Well-Known Member
Yes it will result in some, I would guess... But probably not too many because the buds haven't even formed yet they are just beginning so only what has grown so far could possibly be pollinated. I may be wrong though...


Well-Known Member
yeah, they will know spend a lot of energy producing seedy bud if they were pollinated. u can still get a decent yield and the bud will still smoke ok too


Well-Known Member
hey Phish, you said you didnt understand how they sexed so early.
the 12/12 light cycle does not apply to outdoor grown plants.
The plants, believe it or not, know when to start flowering so they mature before freeze. The same strain of mari jane will sex much earlier in montana, than say florida.
understand now, the 12/12 doesnt happen until sept 21. LOL my plants would freeze for sure if they didnt flower til then


Well-Known Member
plants dont understand when its gonna freeze in thier area. lol. they have a hormone that triggers flowering when the hours of daylight are reducing daily. it doesnt have to be even close to exactly 12-12, just on the way there after summer solstice.


Well-Known Member
how do u figure a plant in montana would mature faster than in florida? u couldnt be more wrong. SORRY. length of flowering time will not change due to climate or area. a strain will take however long the genetic makeup requires for flowering no matter where it is located


Active Member
how do u figure a plant in montana would mature faster than in florida? u couldnt be more wrong. SORRY. length of flowering time will not change due to climate or area. a strain will take however long the genetic makeup requires for flowering no matter where it is located
he ment that it will go into flowering earlier, because the days get shorter much quicker up north.


Active Member
i hope you're right inverted. i literally only saw 3-5 open sacks out of 7 entire male plants... and the buds havent started forming at all yet, there are only a few tiny pistils on some of the plants