When to top...


Is this a basic rule of thumb or do you cut the tops according to the space and height you personally have to offer.
My own are around 13'inches high. My space is 4' x4' mtrs and height is not a problem. The room is solely for growing in.
Im trying to get photos uploaded but cant seem to get this right....ffs..lol....
Any advice would be appreciated

OH and I think that this site is fecking minted You all rock


Well-Known Member
I top 3 times so I get 8 main colas. I start at the 3rd node after the plant has about 5 nodes of growth, then top the grow tips again at the first node after it has grown 2. Hope that makes sense.

Mowgli Ma-Fên

Well-Known Member
try topping once so after a week or 2 it kinda looks like this \/ . then cut one stem of its only 1 left \ . got me a chemdog like i never seen before.works well for g13haze too.


awesome.. I'm coming towards the end of vegging. I've had a few issues and my girls have done well to be as nice as they are considering. Thanks for the pictures they are extremely helpful.


Well-Known Member
I top after every set of nodes in Veg, for 2-5 months, and stop when enter Flower. I grow way over my allotted space I have, then, super crop and lollipop, as needed, to make it fit. After all the topping, normally have to prune heavy after mover to Flower. Lately, I've been using rose wire for low stress.
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