When to switch from Vegging to Flowering?

We have been vegging for 5 weeks using a 250 mh bulb, the plants are between 6 to 10 inches, we are using BioBizz all mix soil. What we need to know is when can we start flowering, we are also thinking about doing a total period of darkness for 24 hrs, and then start the 12hr on and 12 off flowering cycle. Can you let us know what you think, and thank all.


Well-Known Member
no 24 hr in between, after they have started preflowering and alternating nodes it means a plant is mature and is ready to be flowered whenever your ready, you can flip to 12/12 b4 that but its a bad idea, just gives the plant less light to finish vegging with. you have an hps for flower?


go for it if you are using a surge bar make sure the little orange light is taped over. just a common mistake people make. it will turn the plant closest to it into a hermaphidite. PEACE


Well-Known Member
also, dont forget they will about triple in size when they start flowering, so if space is a factor you need to add that into when to flower too.
It really all depends on what height you want to end up with based on time in vegetative as well as the plant's genetics. I know of people that have done 12/12 from seed and it was a successful grow.

Have you topped or FIMed your plant to alter yield?
Have you LSTed to gain multiple tops?
Thanks guys....Space is a bit of an issue as the grow room is 80x80x160 so unfortunatley we cant have 6fters! The strain Is straight cheese, and despite being our first grow the plants are looking very strong. Great colouring and secondary nodes from top to bottom We will switch to a 400w HPS for the flowering.

Purple bibble...To answer your first, we want the plants to ideally stop at about 4ft due to space constraints. As for you second 2 qs...Sorry, thats beyond my level of expertise at the moment, not sure what you mean?


Active Member
all plants triple in size when in FLOWERING?? HOW LONG TOO KEEP PLANTS IN FLOWERING?


Depends on the strain. You can help with size issue by L.S.T. They stay in flower til you harvest.
Can i also check, you dont have to do anything special regarding watering our anything when flowering do you? At the moment, we give the plants a water (bottled) every 4-5 days. We give them a good wetting, and just wondered if we should continue with that routine throughout the grow?

And my previous comment of 4ft polants was a little over the top (great movie btw) I have a total, of about 30 inches before the light would be too close......
you can flower your plant from about 3 inces if you wanted to. its worked for me. you wont get as much yield of course but if you have a small grow room its great. it will just grow one big bud. flowering generally takes 45 to 55 days for mature buds. you could go longer if you choose to


depends totaly on the strain how long you keep it in flower stage usualy witha sativa indica hybrid it is 8 to 10 weeks in flowering if more sativa up to 12 to 14 weeks in flowering. Get a scope so you can tell the colour of the trichomes if they are mostly amber it is close to ready. What strain are you growing?