When to switch from veg outside


Ok let me begin im a first time weed grower. Im growing outside in the uk using flora grow feed soooo i started me seeds off in the first week of may so they are about 7 or 8 weeks old so i know that the plants will do its thing with day light hours but when do i start to bring down the grow and up the bloom as im not sure the guide i have is for out side growing and is for lights

Any help much appreciated


Well-Known Member
About 2 weeks after your daylight hours are 12 hours or less. But start cutting back on the "Grow" portion of your feed a couple of weeks before. Nitrogen is easy to replace if it shows deficiency

ganga gurl420

Well-Known Member
Your plants will start flowering when the daylight hours have reached around 14 or less hours of daylight. 12/12 is for indoor only and does not apply to outdoor growing.
For my area the stretch happens around the first week of aug. So the last week of July I switch to a flower nutrient line.
Hope that helps.