When to sex plants??

I grew 5 seeds till they were about 4 FT. When I put them to flower, it happens that asll the plants were males...I was devastated to know that I wasted all my time...

I had asked when was the right time so AI can sex them and most people said when they are readyu to flower....
Well my question is, how about if I want to sex them b4 that?? I want to make sure I am only growing females...How can I sex my plants at my earliest convenience...What shoukld I do so that I dont have to wait until they are huge??

Please any help would be greatly appreciated..

trichlone fiend

New Member
...you'll be able to see the sure signs of sex if you let them stay in veg until they are mature.
...or, you could top your plants while they are in veg, use the top to establish clones, then flower them. You should be able to see sure signs of sex around wk# 2-3 during flowering.


Well-Known Member
I'm not an expert but this works for me. You can find pre-flowers on 5-6th nodes at about 4-6 weeks. You'll need a 30X scope or loop but they are visible in many strains around that time period. I usually transplant to a 3 gal container at about 2 weeks then when I sex them toss the males and transplant the girls to 5 gal pots. Works for me every grow and I don't have to waste time, money, space, light on males.


Well-Known Member
Great responses to the OP question! Very informative. I have to tell you though man, you were terribly unlucky to have 5/5 plants be male! Assuming a 50% chance (which can be affected with stress and other environmental factors of course) that should be right at about a 3.125% chance :(. I’m really hoping I have better luck on my bagseed.


Well-Known Member
once again, I don't know how many times I've answered this question. Must be a few hundred times now...

you can sex/flower your plants.. any time you want. It's all up to you.

You can do it from seed.. or after one week of veg; two weeks of veg; three weeks of veg; whatever...

its all in your hands.