when to harvest


Well-Known Member
i have a few norther lights x skunk2
and some high mids seeds growing out doors and i am wondering what is the best time to harvest.:?


Well-Known Member
when the buds are ready !! :) lol after about 8 to 10 weeks of flowering they should be done.


Well-Known Member
you harvest when the pistols/trichomes are fully developed, when the "resin" on the buds turns from white/clear to brown/amber. a crappy $20~ handheld 100x microscope can realy help when it comes to perfect harvest timing. trichomes usualy amber-up fast, like within a day the whole crop will be primed(the harvest date). after the trichomes turn amber plant growth stops and air moisture starts to degrade THC.


Well-Known Member
you harvest when the pistols/trichomes are fully developed, when the "resin" on the buds turns from white/clear to brown/amber. a crappy $20~ handheld 100x microscope can realy help when it comes to perfect harvest timing. trichomes usualy amber-up fast, like within a day the whole crop will be primed(the harvest date). after the trichomes turn amber plant growth stops and air moisture starts to degrade THC.
couldn't have said it better myself(Y)kiss-ass