When to Harvest? Pics included!


Active Member
That is a BABY-- 8 weeks since SEED- or 8 weeks in 12/12?...
No WAY has that been actually BUDDING for 8 weeks!

You start counting time till harvest as day ONE begining when the plant actually starts to actively bud.... not the day it goes into 12/12--not the day it shows its sex.. but start making clusters of hairs....

you got about 5-6 weeks to go... or something is seriously wrong with what you are using....

What strain is it?
Soil or hydro?
What nutes you using?
How long did you veg it?
How long was it in 12/12 before it started to bloom?
ALL THESE effect harvest time!

And yes- add more cfl's-- what SIZE CFL's are they???

Where did you look at the trichomes- and with what?
they should look like the picture below if on the bud.... or take off a sugar leaf and look at the trichs on the top surface of it-- either way, you need a magnifier!

Those are just 6 calyx's on a bud.. not a whole bud... the trichomes are the crystals- not the hairs...
Our Skittles under the scope.jpg
It's all been mentioned - if you have clones in your town, go grab a couple sativa dominant hybrids that are squat rather than lanky - start them up in the same room - add as many CFL's as your outlets and electric bill will allow, order that HPS or MH light (though I am using T5HO's as there is little heat created and they grow just as well when you're only an enthusiast and are CHEAP CHEAP CHEAP). Once those lights get there, if those plants havn't really started to fatten up like crazy, then cut your losses and start with the clones.

It just looks like they have been kept in veg for a long time - what spectrum of cfl were you using to flower? You want between 2200-2600K...

Hahahah I envision you throwing those girls under a HPS bulb and in like 3 weeks BAM - 3.5 pounds later haha

Who knows. IF it's your first grow HAVE FUNNNNNN AND LEARN! Keep a journal, keep track of the things you do and the plants reaction to them, and do differently next time! It comes with practice - don't get discouraged by the blowhards on this site.

Peace and love,



Well-Known Member
finish the grow out...at least you can get some practical experience from seed to harvest, which can not be taught buy reading forums.
Not the expert at trouble shooting this, but if you are finishing out the grow - if you have a 100x scope you could check out your trics see if they are still clear. You may be able to put in that 600w hps and get something more out. Soil may benefit from humus tea( something like ancient forest humus soil amendment).

Dont worry, My first grow I started in hydro chased nute problems, learned by stressing the hell out of them, killed several, switched to soil and kept reading everything. Harvested 6 plants in which 3 had been vegging about 5 months and were 24inches tall when i put them into flower. No real colas just 1 oz of popcorn buds. My second grow I got between 2oz and 3oz each and they are getting better (600w hps in a 3.5x3.5 grow tent). It will come together.


Well-Known Member
Lol 5 months since the guy actually posted this thread and you guys are talking about finishing his grow. Lol

Learn to read dates people come on!!!



New Member
Hi..im New Here and ive been trying to reseach on growing from an AeroGarden. Its a elight 6 im thinking of buying off of kijiji for $100. I wanted to know how much bud i would get off of 6 clones using this thing? Any help would be really apriecated..thanks