When to do Put a rooted clone into Coco?


Active Member
When do I put a rooted clone into Coco?, sorry for the messed up title:P

Hey guys, Just build my first Aero-cloner out of a 5gal. bucket, some pvc, and a 400gph water pump. I stuck some of my Northern Lights clones in there a couple days ago and they just started to show roots yesterday, and they've gotten a little bigger overnight, but I was wondering how long I should Leave them in the cloner? I'll show you some pics of the plant with the biggest roots,which is a NL, but they are still pretty small. The Two small ones are Northern Lights, and the big one is a Querkle clone that I just stuck in there last night.

Here are the pics...



Active Member
I would say another 5-7 days. I leave mine in the cloner for about 3 weeks.. or untill there is as much roots as there is green above the foam holder


Active Member
Good luck man keep us updated. Cloner looks good for a home made. How much it cost ya i put out i think almost 40 for mine from growbright