when should she go into a bigger pot?

she's a week old growing in black magic organic soil, with 1 26w cfl plan on getting 2 more bulbs on her tommorow she's my first go with growing so im not looking to spend alot of money. ive got her on a 18 on 6 hour off light cycle, rooms at 75 constant, and i have no clue on the ph of the soil. i water about ever 2 days with distilled water, so im just wondering when should i get her a bigger home? and any tips and pointers are welcome and keep in mind its my first grow so please dont advise i get a 200 dollar light system. IMG_20130415_123237.jpgIMG_20130415_123319.jpgIMG_20130415_123244.jpg


New Member
couple weeks you wanna build up that root ball and that will make transplanting less risky and stressful


Well-Known Member
Like brewing said, 2 weeks will probably do it. When I start in cups (any size) I typically transplant when the plant leaves get to the edge of the cup. Working so far but who knows?
how do i go about nutes, which kind? how to tell when shes ready for nutes? can i go the whole way without nutes if im using organic soil?


Well-Known Member
No idea what kind of nutes are preloaded in your soil...could just be a type of compost and not much else. But the compost should do her for the first few weeks, maybe even a month. After that, whatever organic nutes you want to use is up to you, just look around on the site and you will get all sorts of advice on the NPK ratios to use at what times.
No idea what kind of nutes are preloaded in your soil...could just be a type of compost and not much else. But the compost should do her for the first few weeks, maybe even a month. After that, whatever organic nutes you want to use is up to you, just look around on the site and you will get all sorts of advice on the NPK ratios to use at what times.
thanks man, ive learned everything i know about cannabis cultavation from this website alone the RIU community rocks. :eyesmoke: my soil contains canadian sphagnum peat moss perlite and worm castins total nitrogen 0.05


Well-Known Member
Since you are in the small cups you should look around the site for ideas for soil mixes. That way, you can transplant your seedlings into richer soil. I tend to keep my soil mix very simple because I'm lazy and I don't care about super huge plants and yields, I only grow for myself. So basically my mix is 1/3 peat moss, 1/3 compost mix (several different types of compost), 1/6 perlite, 1/6 vermiculite, and whatever amount of nutes the back of the bag recommends per volume :), or close to it. Oh, and 1 tbsp lime per gallon of soil. So for 3 gallons (my typical pot size) I toss in 3-4 teaspoons of 4-4-4 granulated organic nutes (using Jobe's right now) and 3-4 tsps of 0-10-10 organic granules. Neither of these is fast release so I mix it w few weeks ahead of transplant and moisten the soil to "activate" everything. The 4-4-4 typically carries most sativas into bloom, with help from the various composts, and the 0-10-10 already in there seems to last the whole bloom cycle. If I see something the plant needs, I tend to top dress with various guanos because they will release their nutes fairly quickly. Again, mine is a simple set-up, but I am certain others have much better mix ideas.

Bilbo Baggins

Well-Known Member
Nirvana Northern Lights 14 Days From Seed.jpgFot want of a more complicated answer -- When she is this size --this is a 3 inch pot and its usually about this size 14 days from seed in my set up.