When should I add nutes?


I transplanted my seedlings into my DWC a couple of days ago and their first set of real leaves popped, but when should I start adding the nutes?


Well-Known Member
Yeah I say about 2 weeks. I let mine go until I see very slight yellowing, or after the first set of alternating nodes.
Then I feed, and go once a week from then on.
Oh also, for those first 2 weeks when they are still babies i only use 1/2 strength nutes, then move up to full after a res change.. just an FYI to not burn your girlies


Active Member
It's not so much an amount of time but the look of the roots. I would say when they start getting thick and webbing together you are good to go


Active Member
what i personally do is 1/4 - 1/3 nutes for 1st 2-3 weeks and IF i veg any longer ill go 1/3-1/2 but thats only if they are 3+ weeks


Well-Known Member
How long you guys let your DWC plants veg? In my past grows i've always used nutes from day one and it never seemed to hurt them and I always vegged for 21 days. This time around however, I am not using nutes just yet I wonder will there be a difference