when is the earliest possible time to make a plant bud


my plant isnt too big right now but i am curious for like the quickest grow ya know? mine is like a good 6 0r 7 weeks now about 13 inches, sets of seven an shit, when could i induce flowering.?


Well-Known Member
u can do 12/12 from the start but they won't start flowering untill at least 2 1/2 weeks or later


Weed Modifier
my plant isnt too big right now but i am curious for like the quickest grow ya know? mine is like a good 6 0r 7 weeks now about 13 inches, sets of seven an shit, when could i induce flowering.?
if its is not an auto-flower....anytime now! ;)
13" is too big? they will stretch during flowering,double or more...so if heights an issue , you could lst a few branches down.


hell yeah ima wait for my babies to get a shit ton bigger, or as big as they wanna get, til i need to transplant, then ill let em get over that shock if theres any, then ill start to induce flowerin, ima put up pics an keep ya posted everybody! wish me luck lol


hahaha im stoned man sorry, i juss fed the babies while they were asleep, ive never fed at night before jus durin the day. that wont effect them will it?


Weed Modifier
hahaha im stoned man sorry, i juss fed the babies while they were asleep, ive never fed at night before jus durin the day. that wont effect them will it?
good question? I've always fed in the morning...First hr lights on, that way they have all day to suck up the water/nutes.


yeah that makes sense to, but mine are outdoor so they get that morning dew and first sunlight ya know, and im feeding every three days with diluted water an 2/3 recommended amount nutes in it.


if u are growing outside then u do not control when the plant buds SORRY BRO
unless u bring them inside then u can control it but i don't recommend doing that cause u run a high risk of killing the plant