When did you know?


Well-Known Member
When did you know.... [ insert your own time you spotted something ]

The look on Ivanka's face as soon as he looks over to remember the time of their meeting with the Russians is when I knew something was up.

Edit: I have no clue why it didn't post with timer set at 6 minutes in, a few seconds later is when he says it.


Well-Known Member
When did you know.... [ insert your own time you spotted something ]

The look on Ivanka's face as soon as he looks over to remember the time of their meeting with the Russians is when I knew something was up.

Edit: I have no clue why it didn't post with timer set at 6 minutes in, a few seconds later is when he says it.
The summer before the election. It was too obvious. At the same time, the Bernie bros were beginning to to go full retard about how Democrats were the reason Republicans fucked this country up. I realized then that they were succumbing to Russian (or right wing or both) propaganda intended to split the Democrats.


Well-Known Member

Is it just me or did Barr have a hard time with the Deripaska question by Sasse. I think I watched it on MSNBC and it had Barr on screen during his pause and for his little chuckle when he couldn't answer, but it was a while ago so can't be 100% on it. But regardless you can see how Red he got after the Russian questioning part.

Not sure what it means, but I think it is odd's making worthy that Barr ends up in a brightly colored onesie too.


Well-Known Member

Kavanaughs confirmation on 7/9/18. He looked like he was in a flop sweat the entire time. It almost looks like a hostage situation.
I just googled Ken Starr to see what someone was saying and saw this... made me think about this thread.

Trump is eyeing Kavanaugh's adolescent daughter. Then there's Kavanaugh with the red eyes that he'd say was the photography. I'm sure that is ignored by the evangelicals, just like Herod...er, Jerod's building at 666 Fifth Ave. Evangelicals with selective shaming.

Fuck (vote) Trump out.


Well-Known Member
Something fishy in the email chain of the doctors/administrators for the 'Red Dawn' thing:

I decided to just google one of the Dr's on the chain whose name was visible:

Screen Shot 2020-04-17 at 4.56.13 PM.png

Here is her 'bio' in May 30th 2018. Seems weird.
Screen Shot 2020-04-17 at 4.56.53 PM.png

But then I also got this in the results (I am not sure if this is one of the 'local' bullshit propaganda sites or not):
Screen Shot 2020-04-17 at 4.57.06 PM.png

Turns out in Dec 2019 according to this one 'article' that links to her wiki page, she was convicted of 2 counts of fraud and will be sentenced in May.

I don't know if this is going to be some incoming grenade that Trump will try to use as a scape goat for his shit response or if someone hired her without checking her out, either way it is ridiculous that the first person I look at in the email chain (the NY Times posted here: https://int.nyt.com/data/documenthelper/6879-2020-covid-19-red-dawn-rising/66f590d5cd41e11bea0f/optimized/full.pdf#page=1), turns out like this.