When can i LST my plant?

My plant has two real leaves, and has another set growing. I plan on LST'ing my plant so i can get more out of it. (Also its getting kind of tall and i dont have much room). So when can i tie it sideways? It's about 6 days old today. And 4 1/2 inches tall.
It's an indoor plant that gets sun from the window.


Active Member
its called low stress because u can start when ever your environment lets you. Like when you have the plant in the pot your going to flower in etc.. you can start training it when ever, but use some common sense and dont break your fragile seedling.
its called low stress because u can start when ever your environment lets you. Like when you have the plant in the pot your going to flower in etc.. you can start training it when ever, but use some common sense and dont break your fragile seedling.
What is the average pot size to flower in? What would you prefer? And please dont say like 2 gallons. I dont have one! :(
You do know they take money orders right?

I've only lined trash bags in holes outside. As far as inside You would have to put in a small trash barrel like for a bathroom to get it to stand up you know.
Right i understand you. thats another good idea, i might use something like a trash can or something.. if you didn't notice im pretty cheap. my plant is like 6 days old. i dont want it to get too tall so when should i start flowering?


Active Member
lol, i got the thin black plastic 3 gallon nursery pots from ace hardware for .75 cent each. how much cheaper do u wanna go.