What's Your Soil's pH & ppm?!?


Well-Known Member
You should test you run off of fresh mix and used and give recipe if it's on point. You can use just a little in a cup and run through or your whole bucket...

Mine is like 4.3pH and 2,800ppm yikes!!! So don't ever listen to me going to ProMix now which is 6.5pH and 300ppm which is really like 100 because my water has 200.


Well-Known Member
You should test you run off of fresh mix and used and give recipe if it's on point. You can use just a little in a cup and run through or your whole bucket...

Mine is like 4.3pH and 2,800ppm yikes!!! So don't ever listen to me going to ProMix now which is 6.5pH and 300ppm which is really like 100 because my water has 200.
I thought about sending in samples to get tested, along with samples from my lawn. I dont think that it cost as much as I first thought. $40 to sample my new compost! Sorry for the big diagram, I really thought that it was cool to see it.

This is Missouri, I am sure that there are other places just like this one!

Soil analysis Analysis cost
Regular analysis: pHs, NA, OM, Bray I-P, Ca, Mg, K (includes grinding with recommendations) $10
Bray 1-P or Bray II-P (with regular analysis — $4) $5
Mehlich III or Olson P $5
pHw or pHs(with regular analysis — $2.50) $4
Neutralizable acidity (NA) and pHs $5
Sodium (with regular analysis — $2) $5
Zinc (with regular analysis — $4) $5
Fe, Cu, Mn (with regular analysis — $4.50) $6
Nitrate (with regular analysis — $4) $5
Ammonium (with regular analysis — $4) $5
Nitrate and ammonium (with regular analysis — $8) $9
Sulfate-Sulfur (with regular analysis — $4) $5
Boron $5
Organic matter $5
Particle size analysis (percentage sand, silt and clay) $12
Electrical conductivity $6
  • Walk-in rate
    The fee for regular fertility tests varies in counties depending on their shipping and handling costs. Contact your county extension center to get the exact cost when submitting through their office.

Special soil tests Analysis cost
Total Kjeldhal nitrogen (TKN) $10
Inorganic — nitrogen (NO3-N and NH4-N) $9
TKN and inorganic N and organic N $20
Nitrate — N (NO3-N) $5
Ammonium-N (NH4-N) $5
Total phosphorus (TP) $10
Total potassium (TK) $10
Sodium absorption ratio (SAR) $12
Exchangeable sodium percentage (ESP) $12
Electrical conductivity $6
Particle size analysis(percent sand, silt, clay)/soil texture $12
Base saturation (percent) $12
Cation exchange capacity (addition method) $10
Cation exchange capacity (NH4OAc-distillation method) $18
Total carbon (TC) by combustion $9
Total nitrogen (TN) by combustion $9
Total sulfur (TS) by combustion $9
Total CN/NS/CS (any two of the above combination) $16
Total carbon, nitrogen and sulfur by combustion (TCNS) $24
Potentially mineralizable N $16

Compost tests Analysis cost
Complete compost analysis package (regular) includes: Total N, P, K, Ca, Mg, Zn, Fe, Cu, Mn; C/N, pH, EC and moisture percentage $40
Total nutrients: N, P, K, Ca, Mg and moisture percentage $22
Total nutrients and micros: N, P, K, Fe, Cu, Zn, Mn and moisture percentage $28
pH (saturation paste method) $6
EC (electrical conductivity — saturation paste method) $6
Nitrate-N and ammonium-N $10
Total Kjeldhal nitrogen $10
Total carbon $9
Carbon: nitrogen ratio (C/N ratio) $16
Individual element analysis: P, K, Ca, Mg or Na $6
Sulfate-S $6.50
Boron $5
Chloride $6.50
Moisture percentage $4
  • Volume
    Samples should be approximately one quart.

Environmental soil analysis Sample cost One-time setup fee
Arsenic (As) $20 $25
Cadmium (Cd) $20 $25
Cobalt (Co) $20 $25
Chromium (Cr) $20 $25
Lead (Pb) $20 $25
Molybdenum (Mo) $20 $25
Nickel (Ni) $20 $25
Heavy metals package (Cd, Co, Mo, Ni, Pb) $30 $25
Metals package (As, Cd, Co, Cr, Mo, Ni, Pb, Se) $50 $25
Trace element package (As, Cr, Se) $25 $25
Urban metals package (Cu, Cd, Pb) $25 $25
  • Setup fee only charged once, whether for a single sample or several. The one-time setup fee is $25.

Greenhouse media tests Analysis cost
Regular greenhouse media analysis (GHM) package: pH, P, K, Ca, Mg and total salts $20
Regular GHM analysis package plus micro nutrients: pH, P, K, Ca, Mg, Zn, Fe, Cu and Mn $26
Complete GHM analysis: pH, P, K, Ca, Mg, Zn, Fe, Cu, Mn, Nitrate-N, Ammonium-N and Total Salts $35
Micro-elements (Fe, Cu Zn and Mn) only $12
Nitrate-N and ammonium-N $9
Individual element analysis $6
Sulfate-S $6.50
Boron $5
Chloride $6.50
Moisture percentage $4
  • Sample volume should be approximately one quart.

Manure tests Analysis cost
Complete manure analysis package: total N, P, K, NH4-N, pH, EC and moisture percentage $40
Total nutrients:N, P, K and moisture percentage $22
Total nutrients plus Ammonium-N:N, P, K, NH4-N and moisture percentage $28
Total nutrients and micros: N, P, K, Fe, Cu, Zn, Mn and moisture percentage $28
pH (saturation paste method) $6
EC (electrical conductivity — saturation paste method) $6
Total Kjeldhal nitrogen $10
Ammonium-N $6
Individual element analysis: P, K, Ca, Mg or Na $6
Moisture percentage $4
  • Volume
    Samples should be one quart for dry manure and one pint for liquid manure.

Plant tissue tests Analysis cost
Regular analysis: nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, calcium and magnesium + drying and grinding $17
Regular analysis plus micro nutrients:copper, iron, manganese and zinc + drying and grinding $23

Complete nutrient analysis package:regular+ micros

+ boron, molybdenum and sulfur + drying and grinding $30
Micro nutrients only: copper, iron, manganese and zinc $12
Individual analyses (per nutrient)
Nitrogen (TKN) $10
Phosphorus (P) $5
Potassium (K) $5
Calcium (Ca) or Magnesium (Mg) $5
Iron (Fe) or Copper (Cu) or Zinc (Zn) or Manganese (Mn) Write the element/s to be analyzed $5
Boron $5
Chloride $6.50
Nitrate-N $8
Total Nitrogen (N) by Combustion $9
Total Carbon (C) by Combustion $9
Total Sulfur (S) by Combustion $9
Total C and N by Combustion $16
Total N, C, S by Combustion $24
Corn Stalk Nitrate-N $12
Sample grinding $2
  • A grinding fee of $2 per sample for individual analysis will be added for all plant samples that need to be dried and ground.
  • The testing fee for the second of a paired good/abnormal sample will be half the regular price.

Water tests Analysis cost
Domestic hardness, pH, nitrate-N, sulfate, chloride, sodium, carbonate, bicarbonate, iron, manganese, copper, electrical conductivity, total dissolved solids $35
pH, nitrate-N, sulfate, chloride, sodium, phosphorus, potassium, electrical conductivity, carbonate, bicarbonate, total dissolved solids and SAR $35
pH, nitrate-N, sulfate, calcium, magnesium, sodium, chloride, copper, iron, and manganese, electrical conductivity, total dissolved solids $40
Hardness, pH, nitrate-N, sulfate, phosphate, chloride, calcium, magnesium, sodium, potassium, carbonate, bicarbonate, iron, manganese, copper, electrical conductivity, and total dissolved solids $45
Hardness, pH, nitrate-N, sulfate, phosphate, chloride, calcium, magnesium, sodium, SAR, potassium, carbonate, bicarbonate, alkalinity, iron, copper, manganese, zinc, aluminum, silica, electrical conductivity, total dissolved solids, w/o interpretation $60
  • Volume
    Submit 500 ml or 16 fluid oz. of sample for analyses.
Updated 5/13/15


Well-Known Member
@MustangStudFarm crazy there's so many different tests. The State doesn't do it for free? Most states do. I don't know about as in depth as those many different tests but a good basic macro micro ph analysis is usually free from State.