Whats your opinion of Flushing?


Active Member
Whats up all,

I am growing hydro, and am quickly approaching harvest time. I am finding alot of varied opinions out there about the need to flush, I have about 6 diff girls going in the same system, so if I flush the one that is about ready I will be flushing my other girls. I have thought about organic nutes, but am hearing (and smelling) some not so ideal things about organic hydro nutes. i have some flushing solution, I think when it is time I will run pure water and the flushing stuff for 2 days. But, what are all of you opinions, I have friends that grow medically and claim that there is no difference if you flush or not, others claim that the nutes can be all piled up in the nuggets and the smoke will taste more planty.

So basically just throwing it out there, what do you all do for flushing?

Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor
Hi EL..

I have never been a flusher myself.... But it can't hurt to run straight WATER for the last 48 hours before harvest...



Well-Known Member
if you did soil i'd say flush atleast a week or two since there will still be some in the soil reguardless of how well you flush, hydro i agree with Garden Knowm, two or 3 days of just clean water should be good, the plants will not be taking any more nutrients into itself and will be using its stored one. if you don't plan on curing i might go a few more days but not much.


Well-Known Member
you HAVE to flush. unless you like smoking nutes. i flush TWO WEEKS prior. most people i know do. you can taste the nutes. your bud will burn like black charcoal. it will sparkle when lit. it will SUCK. flush 2 weeks prior to harvest.


Active Member
I would love to be able to do a full flush, but like I said in my first post I have some ladies on the same system that are still a solid month away, and I dont want to run them on water for that long. Will my Clearing formula do a good job for me in 2 days? Or is adding a chemmy clearing formula just doing more harm?


New Member
I flush for two weeks and when my bud burns there is nothing left when its cashed maybe a small amt of light white ash!!! you mush flush!!


Well-Known Member
I'm in the same boat as u.. I could tell my sativas are going to take longer than my indicas....( Newb mistake mixing sativas and indicas). I'm using an aero stup.. I decided ima just starve my sativas for 2 weeks and put them back to normal nute consumption again... :/