Whats your favorite Drug combination??


Well-Known Member
So drugs combined with other drug, in a sense, take you to a different level than either or taken seperatly, so its kind of like a new drug. A curious thing....

I like to mix alcohol with adderall, that way alcohol doesnt fuck up your problem solving as much and you have more energy to deal with.

Also alcohol combined with mushrooms and or LSD is almost a must for me, it takes any rough edges off so you can embrace the trip.
A tiny bit of adderall is also great for tripping, it gives you a little confidence boost to keep away from negative thinking which can quickly spiral to a negative and wastefuly trip. It also helps you socialize your trip more so, which is sooooo fucking important. I find that to much adderall is bad though, cause you try to figure every thing out in life, you get a kind of sensory overload. Bad. something that can shut you up for a week while you try to digest everything....

Whats yours????


Well-Known Member
best bud i can get my hands on, maybe a few percs, and a sexy woman with loose morals and hot bi friends


raw powder yay and all kinds of bomb ass beer {no cheap shit} and good hard liqoer like martell cognac........ and lots and lots of NEWPORTS.........100'Z OF COURSE!

for some reason when im geeked i cant feel weed no matter how flame it is


Well-Known Member
some great ass weed with some vicodins and percocets to enhance the buzz...yeehaw... lets get fucked up


Well-Known Member
im an old school raver, we do it big.

ecstasy and lsd is great with or without ketamine
ecstasy and ketamine is wonderful
ecstasy and nitrous oxide is, well, a gas

all with weed of coursebongsmilie