whats wrong with using acetone?

hey guys, ive been using acetone for a long time and i just wanted to see if this is something those non-acetone people would smoke. i made some more the other day (i'm getting pretty good at this. this is my 5th try) and heres what i did.

#1. dehydrate herbs in dehydrator for 2 hrs. (about 1 oz fresh buds)
#2. place in zip lock and put in freezer for 24 hrs
#3. grind up herbs directly over top and into my mason jar using my "kinder grinder" (http://herbalinnovations1.com/kindergrinder.html) -makes it so i dont have to use so much acetone liquid
#5. let it sit in the sun for 48 hrs (2 days straight)
#6. take it back in the house and put under vacuum for 20 hrs at 140F (boiling point of acetone is 137F)
#7. scape and enjoy!

taste very little of anything. very very very very smooth. smoothest hash i've ever smoked actually. clear and crisp like a cracker (or shatter) and easy to handle (not oily at all). also forgot to mention i used some really pure acetone that was almost 100% (it was 99.5%, laboratory grade it says on the bottle)

anyway, is there something im missing here? because this stuff is great. not sure what you guys think but i just wanted to see what you guys might think.
thanks for the info. i checked out the ending like you say and i guess in my experience maybe the dehydrator removes this unpleasant smell/taste that the last poster was referring to. my end product tastes and smells just like what i started with and i've used trim, shake and high quality buds (20%+THC) as well without any issues. also i think it's my extended drying, vaccuming and basically the entire way i handle the whole process with what i've learned to do and not purely from experience. i can't say much as to the experience the last poster had with solvents or making hash in general so i can't really pinpoint what steps might need to be taken in order to produce a superior quality product. anyways, i still dont see whats wrong with it. i may not use it for much longer as i'm planning to take a break soon. but i still don't see the difference other than it's way easier to handle and dries 10X faster than iso.


Well-Known Member
I've never noticed an unpleasant smell..you brought that one up idk..but it does seem plausible, the contaminants do have a specific odor
But Some of the contaminants or poisonous/dangerous compounds won't be removed by vac some have a higher boiling point than thc. But these compounds aren't too pretty and all acetone has em..
So disregarding what has been said and saying you don't see the reasoning we don't use it or "whats the difference" seems somewhat foolish to me. There are no positives to using it. Its not better in any way(except you say it evaporates faster). .it will not produce a better extract

"i can't say much as to the experience the last poster had with solvents or making hash in general so i can't really pinpoint what steps might need"
What are you talking bout..me fade and you are on this thread?
Oh! The thread I linked?...gotchya
Idk I'm forgetful..I don't remember what that thread was about haha

lio lacidem

Well-Known Member
Its been said already but i will reiterate, acetone may evap faster but the poisons that cause developmental issues Do Not, most boil higher then thc so in order to remove them you would have to sacrifice overall quality. Most solvents have some risk its all about being able to remove the dangers and still have a high quality product. With acetone you just cant do that imho.