Whats wrong with my plants?


Well-Known Member
your first leaves almost always die off. the first set of leaves seem to be ok. may looks a little heat sick. what are the temps.
also make sure ph is good.

you are ph police. go away.

i know what i see
the insect is called a miner. it gets in between the leaf sufaces and creates what are called galleries. look it up.
i would remove the leaves to remove the insect but you don't have many leaves to lose so you'll just have to hope the lil guy got his high on and went back to minertown.


Active Member
FFOF is too hot for seedlings you should of started with Light Warrior:lol:And then still wait till after the second week before putting'em in ffof:clap:
Why do people say that? Probably because they used it once, got burned, and have very little experience with it. Ive grown many strains with ffof and i got a little little burn on the tips of one plant, on one set of leaves, during one grow. It didnt even hurt the plant, it still took off like all the others. I think it can hurt some strains that aren't hearty at all, but those are in the very small minority. I have heard if you underwater your plants, it can cause higher concentrations of nutes to be in the water that is in the pot, which leads to burn. I don't know how true this is, but it kind of makes sense to me, so if anyone knows more, please elaborate, because this is an interesting theory.

you are ph police. go away.


Active Member
FFOF sucks any more its not the same as it was I have plenty experience with it:clap:Here's my first grow and first video with it:clap:You can attack me and my growing experience but ffof still sucks and you are a fool for wasting your time and money on it!

Hmmm...u say ffof sucks but a LOT of people have excellent results with it...doesn't sound like the soil is the problem to me. I think its kinda funny how people blame certain products for their lack of abilities. But we, who have excellent results using it are fools. Lol


Well-Known Member
FFOC, for all practical purposes, is designed for marijuana. It's never burned anything of mine, and I have better results with it than other soils.

Calling someone a fool because they use FF is so Jr. High