What's wrong with my plants


Well-Known Member
You shouldn't just start adding things. You never said what nutrients you are feeding or what kind of water you are using. Those are important details.


New Member
You shouldn't just start adding things. You never said what nutrients you are feeding or what kind of water you are using. Those are important details.
In 1 week I use RO water
Day 1 Floraflex B1 ,B2, , Cal mag, EC2.5 Ph6
Day 2- ---
Day 3 Floraflex B1 ,B2, Bulky B EC2 Ph6
Day 4 ---
day 5- Floraflex B1 ,B2 ,Terpinator, Power si bloom EC2 Ph6
Day 6 ---
Day 7 Floraflex B1 ,B2 EC2 Ph6

Runoff EC6 Ph6 I have flushed once, Nowaday runoff EC2.2 Ph6


Well-Known Member
I'd drop all of those additives and just use the B1 and B2 at no higher than 2.0 EC.


Well-Known Member
I grow it in Coco, Now in flowering stage. I give them a nuts EC2.5 Ph6, Run off EC 3 PH6

LIGHT 1200 ppfd
CO2 2500 ppm
Temp 23C
RH 55

what is my problems. help me plss
I recently watched an interview of the Jungle boys head grower and owner, Ivan, say he never takes CO2 higher than 1500 ppm. CO2 can be toxic if it's too high. I don't use CO2, I do know that 1200 ppfd is too high without it though.