What’s wrong with my plants?


Well-Known Member
Hello all. I left for a week work trip. When I came back I had some browning on the leaves of my plant. The one that looks the worse is a photo period. The second photo is of my auto.

plants are being kept 75 degrees
I flushed the plants with phd water (half tap water half distilled) before I left the then Gave them a light feeding.

any ideal what could be causing this? All input is welcome. Thank you



Well-Known Member
When you say half distilled, are you using dehumidifier water? Like padawanwarrior said more info needed.
I am using distilled water from the grocery store. Reason being I’ve been told ppm for tap water may be too high so I mix it with distilled water


Active Member
Get a ppm meter and check your tap, or take note of showers and dishwasher, if it spots up its hard water, meaning you got calcium right there in tap, if filters are orange with a well, you got iron. Giving the plant distilled water is robbing it of these essential nutrients.