whats wrong with my 5 MONTH old plant


Active Member
Keep your head up man. Go to your local hydro store and grab a growers bible. Yeah, everything is online but you can reference a book right then and there once read a couple times.
No offence but I saved these pictures in my phone and ima show people an we shall laugh.but don't let it discourage jus keep reading an keep growing ul get it down


Well-Known Member
your pic became my avatar but dont be discourage you need to reed a book or 2 lol. google elite growers torrent

Grown n Oregon

Active Member
ohhh man..i dont even know what to say about that 5 month old plant..or this thread. i am seriously speechless about how u managed to keep that plant that small for 5 months. was the light sourse a flashlight? i mean, dude...what the F happened?


Well-Known Member
Just learning curve. Read up..look at Cervantez videos on youtube. Best on luck next time.:leaf:


wasnt gonna even post of this thread but it seems i got to say something.... but yeah bro you need to do some reading, this is my first year to grow period (indoors or outdoors) and yeah its a lot more to it then what i thought but on the other hand it is as difficult as you wanna make it... recommend same books as mentioned above plus youtube has a lot valuable videos which include some great growers.....and i would probly cut and stop wasting electricity on that immediately. good luck next grow and hang in there


Active Member
dang .. Im no expert man , but your stems have purple on them soo from what I've been reading thats calcium deficiency . I also read up that if you got a small pot , you don't wanna use neutriants alot . Should go to home depot n buy one of their orange buckets drill a few holes on the bottom . n next time keep your water leaves.. made your plant look naked she don't want everyone to see her like that -_- ha