whats wrong with my 5 MONTH old plant


Active Member
okay so my plant will be 5 months old on the 15th and is still not done she is 1 of 3 to be fems out of my first grow and i am using cfls but 5 months and all the hairs arent even red yet can someone telll me how to get it to grow faster or what ever the problem is thankss guysIMG-20120807-00214.jpgIMG-20120807-00215.jpgIMG-20120807-00216.jpgIMG-20120807-00217.jpg

Dice Clay

Active Member
My friend... I am sorry to say it but that plant has reached the end of its cycle.. the hairs are brown and it looks to my naked eye (without magnification) that the resin glands seem to have begun to degrade.. I would harvest and look to tweak your set-up heading into your next grow.... Just curious about your set up.. can you give us a run down of wattage... how many cfl's, distance to plants, nutes etc? A 5 month old plant in that size bucket normally has significantly more vegetation on it. But as far as the buds readiness... I would cut it rather than let it degrade any further.


Active Member
yeah. why does it have no leaves? of course it doesnt grow if its just a stem and a couple buds. you should try what someone else does. read a journal. get decent soil and a proper light. looks like you might get a dub off this plant.

Dice Clay

Active Member
It also seems at a glance that this plant has had way too much N in its diet... I usually cut out all Nitrogen on the 17th day after I have switched to 12/12


Active Member
i have 3 cfls all together 156 actual watts and the reasons the leaves are gone is because im a stupid noob and thought it woulda helped about a montha nd a half ago, so what yoour pretty much saying is to just harvest it now and get whatever i can outa it?, about 1/8 of the hairs arent orange yet


Well-Known Member
i have 3 cfls all together 156 actual watts and the reasons the leaves are gone is because im a stupid noob and thought it woulda helped about a montha nd a half ago, so what yoour pretty much saying is to just harvest it now and get whatever i can outa it?, about 1/8 of the hairs arent orange yet
Only cut it if you want to smoke it. Otherwise watch it degrade even further. Read others' journals but safe start - do NOT remove any leaves. The plant will know when it is time for them to "leaf". Ha ha ha ha. Uh OK.

Dice Clay

Active Member
i have 3 cfls all together 156 actual watts and the reasons the leaves are gone is because im a stupid noob and thought it woulda helped about a montha nd a half ago, so what yoour pretty much saying is to just harvest it now and get whatever i can outa it?, about 1/8 of the hairs arent orange yet

I know not everyone can have a HID light (even the small 400watters) so I would recommend the 150watt cfl bulbs... perhaps 3 of them very close to the tops of the plants... I have seen some good results with this kind of set-up. As the previous poster said, let the plant decide when it has utilized all the nutrients in its leaves. I cut my lower shoots and clone with them and that serves to thin out growth that otherwise would not have produced significant buds... remember.. the fan leaves are the factories of the plant... if you take them away you are stripping the plant of raw materials and energy. Next time around cut your Nitrogen early like i said before, and you should see a huge difference... with nutes less can be more especially at the beginning... now clip that and in a week or so you can be ripping some bingers :)

Dice Clay

Active Member
cut the branches so that you have 3 inches of length after the last bud in which to hang this "cola". Trim off all the green leaves up to the point where there are heavy crystals... hang these branches on a line in a dry dark place for about a week. When the stems can be snapped it is time to cut the buds off of the branches and put them in a bag. leave the bag open and stir the buds around every 12 hours. do this for another 3 days or so.. or until the buds are dry. Do not rush this as it will affect both the potency and taste!! Message me if you have any other questions.


Active Member
i read that jelly jars are good for curing is this what i put bud in after paper bag or can the paper bag be substituted by the jar for better results?


Misguided Angel
You would be better off starting a "trim" bag with those buds to make hash or butter with when you get enough. The buds are going to taste like ass because they are still premature and they are going to dry way too fast.


Dude next time do some research before growing :) That's the problem.
Check out some grow journals and some growing videos, read some good growing guides on the internet and everything should work out fine for your next grow.