Whats Wrong With Miracle Gro Tomato and Vegatable Fertilizer?


Well-Known Member
I have two plants that are growing outside in the southern california sun. They are in the ground and doing great. I am feeding them Mrcl gro tomato fert once a week on mondays. On thursdays I just started feeding fish emulsion. I also always add superthrive with every watering. I heard miracle gro is terrible but they look great. Is the miracle gro tomato fert ok and if not what is an easy organic fertilizer that can take its place. Im nervous to switch because Ive been using it for 2 months. Help


Well-Known Member
Well first of all using that chemical miracle grow makes your soil sterile. It kills the Microherd.

So your wasting that Fish Emulsion completely. You cant mix organics with a chemical feeding regiment.

See Fish Emulsion is an organic nute, it needs a living microherd to break down into a form which the plant can uptake.

So stop using that because you are getting zero benefit from it.

But to answer your other question about miracle grow. Ya you can use it but it lacks Micronutrients. Adding some superthrive is ok because its in a form for the plant to uptake.

Look for a micronutrient concentrate to use instead of the fish emulsion.


Active Member
Well first of all using that chemical miracle grow makes your soil sterile. It kills the Microherd.

So your wasting that Fish Emulsion completely. You cant mix organics with a chemical feeding regiment.

See Fish Emulsion is an organic nute, it needs a living microherd to break down into a form which the plant can uptake.

So stop using that because you are getting zero benefit from it.

But to answer your other question about miracle grow. Ya you can use it but it lacks Micronutrients. Adding some superthrive is ok because its in a form for the plant to uptake.

Look for a micronutrient concentrate to use instead of the fish emulsion.
MG tomato does have micronutrients


Well-Known Member
MG is fine to use. I used it for one season and my plants reached about 7 1/2 ft outside. I would advise getting some advanced nutrients budding ferts when it is time for the plant to bud.


New Member
There's nothing particularly wrong with Miracle Gro. There's just better stuff out there for the money, but it will work in a pinch.


Well-Known Member
I've had 50/50 sucess rate with MG potting soils or ferts. Fox Farm sells a great composted mixture...check them out at thebigtomato.com
Of my successful girls, 2 of my Northern Lights are healthy and thriving beautifully in MG soil. Swiss Cheese is coming along nicely also. I add Superthrive to my mix along with Fox Farm's "Grow Big."


Well-Known Member
Miracle Grow for Tomatoes is a fairly complete chemical fertilizer. No, it doesn't have every little stinking micro-nutrient in it. It was not formulated that way by design. It was designed for use in soil, where the soil has the other micro-nutrients. Over application of anything will kill the biologicals in the soil. Remember the soil is suppose to be complete. pHed MG applied in weak amount will aid you plant. If you think you added enough, you've added too much.


Am I Norml

Active Member
Miracle Grow for Tomatoes is a fairly complete chemical fertilizer. No, it doesn't have every little stinking micro-nutrient in it. It was not formulated that way by design. It was designed for use in soil, where the soil has the other micro-nutrients. Over application of anything will kill the biologicals in the soil. Remember the soil is suppose to be complete. pHed MG applied in weak amount will aid you plant. If you think you added enough, you've added too much.

mg general purpose and African violet bloom food for bud cycle ...works for me and makes some really tasty weed :)

Am I Norml

Active Member
African Violet bloom FTW!! :lol: Funny stuff!

That's just crazy enough for me to try it on a plant this year.
im telling ya man .. it works GREAT .. give it the recommended plus 5 drops per gallon and they eat it up like its candy and the growth is WICKED as far as bud production goes !! just make sure to shake the hell out of it (bloom food) EVERY time you go to make a batch :) :weed:


Well-Known Member
15 years ago it was all we had. i used it up until about 6 ago. then i used tulip food for 2 years. i have only gotten into "grow nutes" the last 3 or 4 years. since joining this forum. probably my biggest set back. my plants seem to do better if they are a little hungry, as apposed to being over stuffed.

you'd run faster FOR a cheeseburger, then you would run AFTER a cheeseburger. :wink:

Am I Norml

Active Member
15 years ago it was all we had. i used it up until about 6 ago. then i used tulip food for 2 years. i have only gotten into "grow nutes" the last 3 or 4 years. since joining this forum. probably my biggest set back. my plants seem to do better if they are a little hungry, as apposed to being over stuffed.

you'd run faster FOR a cheeseburger, then you would run AFTER a cheeseburger. :wink:
you undoubtedly have been doing this alot longer then me but Ive been growing my own for around 15 years off and on and the last 5 exclusively full time and Ive always used off the shelf nutes i don't believe in the 165 $ gallon of nutes when one ion of nitrogen is the same as any other ion of nitrogen ... ya dig lol .. its not the name on the bottle... its the food in the nutes :) :weed:

Am I Norml

Active Member
The MG General Purpose is a 3-1-2 ratio; that's the perfect balance for MJ.
THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU ... i never understood why people had to have these mega expensive nutes .. heck i grow my little plants and most of my friends keep tabs on when its harvenst time for me becuse mine is way better then anything they can get around here and i don't spend much on nutes and run CFL's exclusively after about burning down the garage with a 1000 watt HPS (yea yea i know i didint have it vented right) but this way the ole lady don't bitch about expenditures and my buddy's don't smoke schwag so the proof is in the pudding lol ... :bigjoint:

Am I Norml

Active Member
Most weed fert's are more about marketing than results.
yea i have noticed that from multiple posts i have read....i read one that says how wonderfully expensive it was but they just HAD to have it to grow good dope and 3 posts later in a different thread i heard how it don't work worth a shit and that person was switching to something else lol... gotta love the nute game...i think ill just stick to shit i know has been around forever and i know works like a charm :)


New Member
You do need to have some sort of decent genetics to start with in seed or clone. If you set up your soil correctly, you are halfway there. Fert's add a dimension, but most of it from there on is up to the grower and weather conditions.


Sector 5 Moderator
It really is all about marketing. I'm one of the suckers that saw the "Nutrient Challenge" video and wasted about $500 on Advanced Nutrients. Not only was it not as good as cheap and simple MG, it was a pain in the ass to mix up. I felt like a fricking chemist. The absolute best ferts is Dyna Gro. There is no super snake oil or rocket fuel specifically for MJ; it's all an attempt to seperate you from your money.


New Member
Check out my grows, that's all I use is MG soil and ferts, it took me awhile to dail it in though but same as any other product. I do get pissed at the time released nutes sometimes though, but you don't have to add much for feeding nutes, the soil carries the plant for quite awhile.

Am I Norml

Active Member
Check out my grows, that's all I use is MG soil and ferts, it took me awhile to dail it in though but same as any other product. I do get pissed at the time released nutes sometimes though, but you don't have to add much for feeding nutes, the soil carries the plant for quite awhile.
i use a soil that has a advertised 9 month feeding period...BUT..they was growing begonias in it not MJ and MJ is a VERRY hungry plant so usually around month 2 my soil is deader than dog shit and the plant starts asking for nutes...but you see that is OK with me because then its time to start feeding in the bloom food so i go with half strength veg food to bring the soil back up a little and full strength bloom food and it all evens out and works good every time :)