whats wrong wi strth this clone i just got?? heatess, overwatering?? pics, thanks


Active Member
i just got this clone the other day and planted it into a 5 gal bucket. for some reason its really droopy.the other one i have is doing just fine and i got them at the same time.. im not sure if its over watered,heat stress. im just curious and would like some input. if you think you know id like to hear. thanks:joint:



Well-Known Member
looks over watered, whats the temps i really dont think its heat though and did you damage the roots when transplanting


Well-Known Member
Looks over watered to me. The lamp on the top seems a bit closer than it should also but that surely isn't the cause of the problem.


Active Member
all cfl's. i used a stick and propped it up for support and i removed it today and it really seemed alot more live. and the leafs arent as droopy today. i think it may have just been streesed out from the transplant.