What's up with that?!?


New Member
Awww...bud bat:cry:
hahaha...that sounds like my average day. i'm a CS major (not counter-strike)...sitting in a room full of computer with smelly, poory groomed, acne riddled guys, where the least nerdy thing discussed are segment faults. good times.

it's all for me. my last harvest was....disappointing...sausagefest.


Well-Known Member
if she did that on a regular basis sure, but just once...i won't give her that label.
You're a good dude, I'm going to take a page out of your book and not be so judgemental. But a note to all females on here: Don't hook up with dude's stalking you. It usually doesn't end up as well as it did for pizip.


Well-Known Member
this whole thing just sounds like a story some guy made up and sent to penthouse so he could read it and jerk off. how did the stranger have her shirt? she walked home in almost a bra? i couldnt think of one woman who would have a guy stalk and hide from her and then say hmmm, "i should make out with this creepy stranger." then go fook him. sounds bizarre but if its true sorry for my pessimism.:blsmoke: if true be careful dont wanna end up on AMW:peace:


Well-Known Member
this whole thing just sounds like a story some guy made up and sent to penthouse so he could read it and jerk off. how did the stranger have her shirt? she walked home in almost a bra? i couldnt think of one woman who would have a guy stalk and hide from her and then say hmmm, "i should make out with this creepy stranger." then go fook him. sounds bizarre but if its true sorry for my pessimism.:blsmoke: if true be careful dont wanna end up on AMW:peace:
EXACTLY. this is probably some dude anywayz lol. I hope he/she don't come back and read this, they'd be pissed.


Active Member
WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YOU POOR THING IT MUST BE A BUMMER KNOWING YOU'RE NOT WORTH GETTING TO KNOW!! Then you feel the need to let people know you walk around dressed like a "CHEAP AND EASY" tramp waiting for any scumbag to jump out of a bush and fuck you! You're nothing but a self loathing whore looking for attention the only way you know how, SAD THING IS YOU SEEM TO BE QUITE PROUD OF YOURSELF!


Well-Known Member
WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YOU POOR THING IT MUST BE A BUMMER KNOWING YOU'RE NOT WORTH GETTING TO KNOW!! Then you feel the need to let people know you walk around dressed like a "CHEAP AND EASY" tramp waiting for any scumbag to jump out of a bush and fuck you! You're nothing but a self loathing whore looking for attention the only way you know how, SAD THING IS YOU SEEM TO BE QUITE PROUD OF YOURSELF!

what is with all this hate? really? was that necessary?


Active Member
Honestly...Yes. I found this site last night thought it was a grow site not a "Hey look at me I'm a sleazy pig" site. Sorry but I just told her what her "friends" wouldn't be able to but I bet a lot of you were thinking it. Take another hit.........and give it little xtra thought...I was looking to enjoy, learn & share marijuana stuff but I must be on the wrong site.


Too many brownies
what is with all this hate? really? was that necessary?
If she has done it more than once yeah.....buuuut if it was a one time thing then not really.

But still its kinda wierd...someone is stalking her and acting all creepy hiding and stuff....and then she does that when they have never even seen each other before....ehhh its a little iffy.

The show desperate housewives popped right into my head before I even finished reading....and you know what the women on that show are......:-?

I honestly dont really care though....but personally I would never get with that easy of a woman....id be worried that its not her first time doing that kind of thing, NAAAAHHHHH MEEAAANNN!!! :mrgreen:

She may not be that easy though it could have just been a one time freak incident...but I kinda doubt it.

But hey who are we to judge? This is just an online forum after all.


Well-Known Member
this is a very good site for that. it's not so ridged that it limits conversation to only growing. did you notice the section that you're in? it's called toke 'n talk. as in get stoned and tell funny stories. if you want to discuss growing go to this part of the site: https://www.rollitup.org/#grow-room that part of the site has everything most people could ask for. if you want to ask questions there's a section for that if you want to share your grow there's a section for that. if you want to just hang out and talk to some cool people that's what this section is for. if you want to talk politics there's a section for that. this place has everything and that's why it's so awesome. so don't come here insulting other members.


Well-Known Member
If she has done it more than once yeah.....buuuut if it was a one time thing then not really.

But still its kinda wierd...someone is stalking her and acting all creepy hiding and stuff....and then she does that when they have never even seen each other before....ehhh its a little iffy.

The show desperate housewives popped right into my head before I even finished reading....and you know what the women on that show are......:-?

I honestly dont really care though....but personally I would never get with that easy of a woman....id be worried that its not her first time doing that kind of thing, NAAAAHHHHH MEEAAANNN!!! :mrgreen:

She may not be that easy though it could have just been a one time freak incident...but I kinda doubt it.

But hey who are we to judge? This is just an online forum after all.
weird yes but she was stoned. i personally found the story amusing. some people may not but that's no excuse to start insulting other members. i'm not saying you were nowstopwhining but when people start calling good people like pizip a ho and a tramp, that crosses the line.


Active Member
By the way......... I'm a female & it's that kind of trash that makes men think they can get away with treating women like they're a cheap piece of meat & get away w/ it!!!


Active Member
By the way......... I'm a female & it's that kind of trash that makes men think they can get away with treating women like they're a cheap piece of meat & get away w/ it!!!
Wait! Don't leave! I feel the same way as you. I really just want to search the forums on here to learn how to grow better, but I totally agree with you. Peace