Whats up with my strains?


Well-Known Member
Not sure if anyone mentioned it already because I was being lazy and didn't read all the posts. But I was just looking at a website yesterday at plant problems and yours looks similar to a picture on that site that said it was a Mg deficiency. It might be worth it to check into that. If you want the link to the picture I can post it for you....ah hell, I might as well do it so I don't have to keep checking back every few minutes to see if you replied...remember...I'm being lazy today

Here ya go:

thanks thats what i was thinking im gonna give them a good feed now also how much water would you use for each 6.5l pot thanks
Lord dangly bits got it covered, i grow dwc so i cant comment on your coco specifically, but i can tell you one thing, dont let it get 100% dry ever, and if its still moist on top dont water. react to your plants telling you what they like. and yes you can over water them even in coco but it would take alot.

Lord Dangly Bits

Well-Known Member
Lord dangly bits got it covered, i grow dwc so i cant comment on your coco specifically, but i can tell you one thing, dont let it get 100% dry ever, and if its still moist on top dont water. react to your plants telling you what they like. and yes you can over water them even in coco but it would take alot.

NO!! This is COCO. This is not SOIL. You do not want your Coco to dry out at all. You can water it ever hour on the hour for weeks on end and you will not over water your plants. You want to water them at least everyday to flush out the old nutrients and get new fresh nutrients in there. When you water, it sucks in fresh air as well. Coco might look like Soil, but that is all it has in commun.

Lord Dangly Bits

Well-Known Member
These are two plants I have that will be flipped into flowering in about a week. At that point they will go into 2 gallon/8 liter grow bags. The plant on the left is an indica heavy, and the plant on the right is sativa heavy. I have 9 of these plants and they get 4 liters of water a day. They are clones that have had about 3 weeks of veg and were topped, and the ICE plants (Left) were LST'd.


Lord Dangly Bits

Well-Known Member
You first need to fix the PH in the coco. The gold/brown splatches will stay that way. But the light yellow of the leafs should go away once you have the coco dialed in after about 3 days.


how should i go about getting the ph of the coco to 5.8 do i use ph water at 5.8 or with nutes at 5.8?
thanks for the help by the way :)

Lord Dangly Bits

Well-Known Member
Your PH should be between 5.3-5.9. So lower the PH of your nutrients to 5.3 or 5.4. until you get that run off to about 5.6. Also You are not giving them enough water to flush out the old salts and such, which is boosting your PH in the Coco. I had this same exact trouble once and did not notice it until I got the same splatches. But my PH of my run off was above 7.0. it took me about 3 days to get it down useing 4.5ish PH'd nutrients. I think you can do it with 5.3 PH. But remember, you have to have between 20-30% run off or the salts and crap will continue to build up. To help fix this I would have 40-50% run off for a day or two. And feed them at least once a day. I kid you not, you could feed them 6 times a day and not over water them. But you would eat through the nutrients and cost more money. The fewer waterings you do, the more run off you need. If you want to water them every other day, then boost to 50% run off. Once you get a handle on it, you can adjust this to your own way, and what the nutrients do. Not all nutrients react the same with in your coco.

Also, When I did research on that nutrient you were using. I only saw the one that was for Seedlings and cuttings. So if you are useing the one for vegging of plants, then do not go crazy on the amount you feed. But if you are useing the one for the seedlings and cuttings try and boost it higher, but very slowly over time. Just watch for the tips of your leafs to turn a light gold. then back off a little and give them a heavy watering. Like I said, I do not even use a PPM or EC pen anymore, they are useless once you can learn how to read the plants. Well, I guess they do have a place if you are useing a rez and want to top it off with water and nutrients. But I never do that even when running a recirculation system. I mix a fresh batch ever 7-10 days.