Whats This? Nute Burn? I Don't Think So (Clones)


Well-Known Member
first of all lets start with some basic info.

Have your clones rooted yet?
What medium?
Whats the RH?



Well-Known Member
whut u have those clones in? peat puks bubble cloner? did u use rooting hormones /gel /powder ,ive never had clones look that bad tho


Well-Known Member
rockwool was presoaked in 5.0 for 24 hours prior to inserting clones

clones are just in a humidity dome- keeping rockwool moist not wet

i took these from a soil plant a after 5 days of just pure water, in an effort of "leaching" nitrogen out

maybe it was too hungry when i took the clones =\

i used clonex rooting gel, and water the cubes with a rooting solution


New Member
You didn't trim the fan leaves before putting them for rooting? If not ya they are going to die like that.


Well-Known Member
i did leave it with some fan leaves, i read you are supposed to cut them off but they were so far up! I see the nots forming but I am not sure how to keep them healthy...this is 2nd attempt at cloning

not sure if i should be foilar feeding or not, and if i do foilar feed do i completely neglect nitrogen? or just way less i've read to and not to...one said once every 3 days light nutes etc....

im just trying to figure what the plant needs is all-maybe its just i left too many leaves on

going to try again with the aero cloner this week if this isnt looking good


Well-Known Member
RH while cloning needs to be 85% or higher.

You will get some die off of the edges.

You shouldnt have to resaturate your rockwool for at least 5 days.



Active Member
Yea man you really didnt do this whole cloning process right best read some more then give it another shot always a learning process now you know more.


Active Member
You didn't trim the fan leaves before putting them for rooting? If not ya they are going to die like that.
Trimming the leaves to reduce surface area is as much benefit as problem it stresses freshly cut clone's in their already most stressful point in their life and is a portal for disease. Don't cut your fan leaves.