Whats the sex?


Well-Known Member
I am growing a Big bud plant and today and I believe the sex would be apparent to somebody. I cannot find my digital camera so i will do my best to describe it. There are two pistil looking things growing around the node, and there is also a singular ball type thing growing out extended on the end of a stem. I am not sure whether or not its male or female from what ive read online. Is it easy to mistake sex when the plant is immature? Its 6 weeks old and 6 to 7 inches tall.


Well-Known Member
basiclly to ask this question without a pic is like asking for bad info.

balls are male and the thin white hairs female


if you Truely see a little ball with two white pistills emerging from it, it's probobly a female, since you don't have a camera, you have to be the judge.