what's the prime temp for growing?


Well-Known Member
I've never got a perfect answer to this it always varied from 70-75 but my buddy said keep it 68 for the best, and my rooms were always 95 with 24/7 cooling, now I got my shit together and got a bigger a/c unit, so what do you keep your temps at, and is a colder or hotter temp better while the lights are on or off or would it not matter? Thanks


Well-Known Member
75 degrees is optimal temperature
But there is an acceptable range. Try not to have temperatures exceed 90 too long because it may cause growth stunt.


Well-Known Member
Mid seventies is ideal, I've heard tell that mid eighties, while it wont hurt them, can actually begin to slow down growth some.


Well-Known Member
They were in 95 degrees with 24/7 ac cooling just couldn't handle it, I finally upgraded, I read as long it doesn't go below 59 you won't hurt the thc, I'll keep it 68-70 as my plants have suprassed my one's that have been flowering for 60 days and these ones are 3 weeks and are much bigger and better, and I learned how to top, I got a elephant in a 18 gallon bucket it's got to be at least 4x4 and only at 3 weeks of flowering, before I also only had 1 1000 watt now I got 3200 watts and adding a few thousand more this month and no bugs anymore and light leaks, timer blows, etc :) I yielded half off each plant so far, but my new plants look like a good 3-4 or more oz's Easy per plant