What's the Deal?

I'm growing Serious Seeds - The Chronic, indoors under a 250 watt air cooled hood.I'm growing in FFOF with some other additives like guano, worm castings, kelp, and glacier rock. Soil's PH is about 6.0; Humidity is between 35%-55% and temps are between 70-84. I've been watering with Silica Blast, and 1 tablespoon/gal Natural Molasses Ph'ed @ about 6.0 I watered once with Superthrive hoping that would help the problem but didnt make a difference...
Fan leaves have brown tips and are curling down slightly but are dark green and are starting to turn pale green around the edges since watering last night and are now starting to kind of distort and kindof twist?
The new growth is in contrast to the fan leaves because its pale green and the fan leaves are dark green for the most part.
I wouldnt care but growth has been slow from the beginning and just getting worse...
So what's the problem?
I dont know how good the pics are, I hope they help.Chron8.jpgChron2.jpgChron1.jpgChron5.jpgChron4.jpgChron3.jpgChron7.jpgChron6.jpg
And in pics it might look like the leaf edges are curling from heat but the temp was 79 when I took the pics.
Any body have experience with this strain? This is my 3rd grow and I wouldnt care about the color so much but growth is very slow.
Help is very appreciated


I'm having the same issue with my leaf edges curling up, my plant is 2 and a half weeks old and I'm growing in good soil, using a 1/4 solution botanicare fertilizer with distilled water. I water once every other day about a 4th of a gallon. I just noticed the leaves curling up on the edges just a few days ago. I'm only using one 300W CFL light about 5 in away from the top and that's where my thermometer sensor is at too. Temperature stays between 74-80 normally so I don't know if this is normal or what the deal is! Would like to fix the problem though. Any thoughts professionals??

