whats the best way to feed your SOIL


Well-Known Member
i always hear its all about feeding your soil i was wondering if this really is a big factor?

as of now this is what i feed (4th week flowering)

3 tsp tiger bloom
2 tbl big bloom
1tbl spoon BC sweet
1/2 teaspoon beastie bloomz

for next time anything you guys reccomend? i was thinking of adding bat guano to my soil and also adding BC liquid karma...any advice?!?


Well-Known Member
watch your NPK's too high and youll burn your plant send it into lockout, kill it. and how many times do you apply this? once a week? more? less?


Active Member
When people say "feed your soil" they mean feed your microbes living in your medium as well as your plants. Mycorrhizae and bacteria are your plants best friend, and giving them nutrients and the right conditions will improve your nutrient uptake and reduce nutrient mining energy expenditure. The other idea behind feeding the soil is amending it with guano, worm castings, and natural sources of minerals rather than relying on chemical fertilizers to do the job. I'm a fan of worm castings and the products azos and mycos from extreme gardening, I highly recommend taking a look at them.


Well-Known Member
Molasses feeds your microbes in the soil, not the plant directly (as with liquid nutrients). So, yea...molasses.