whats the best way to add nitrogen to a super soil grow


Well-Known Member

  • can i use the general organics bio grow to suppliment nitrogen? i have a plant at 5 weeks that is yellowing up pretty fast. i hit her with calmag last night, strong dose but didnt slow progression. my other choice is top dressing with uncooked SS. could i top dress with low dose of bone meal. ill add a pic in a minute to give better idea of defficiency.​



Well-Known Member
Earth Juice Nutrients - Earth Juice Grow


it is organic and probably one of the best products you can buy on the market.


The "Grow" uses blood meal, steamed bone meal and bat guano as the primary source for nitrogen - 50% of which in non-soluble. This non-soluble nitrogen is imperative in feeding beneficial fungi and bacterial life in the medium. It's very inconsistent from one batch to the next. Occasionally, it's solid as Play-doe. Naturally occurring Sulfate of Potash is used providing appropriate amounts of potassium. Sea kelp (Ascophyllum Nodusum) provides various growth regulators and trace elements. High quality Molasses, a secret weapon in many nutrients is also included. Between Kelp and molasses the Brix levels here are through the roof as both these ingredients are packed with carbohydrates. This product produces tremendous vegetative growth developing a solid foundation for flowering. During the first 6 weeks of veg this schedule led the pack ratings wise and numerically.


Well-Known Member
well i have 5 plants in it and one is having probs...so far. i dont think i did anything wrong, shes just a heavy feeder and i didnt make enough to top dress.


Well-Known Member
if you really did make SS, then it shouldn't need anything. if its just one plant, could be a sensitive pheno

i have two SLH plants and one is super sensitive to everything and the other one can't get enough nutrients


Well-Known Member
sunleaves seabird guano amend soil with a heaping spoonful. will be fine in a couple days unless too far gone.


Active Member
a simple aact should get some colonies going to break that SS into a plant-usable form. you probably have N in there
or give them some fish tank water full of nitrifying bacteria

cheap fix without adding more N this late in flower
When growing Organicly, you want too avoid bottled nutes that have, synthetic salts. and Chelating agents which makes it fast acting/instint food for the plant, but recks havic on the soil food web.

I would say make a EWC tea, or top dress with a high quailty organic soil, Roots organic, ocean forest, bio-bizz or with your composted "Super Soil". make sure not to top dress to heavy with "super soil" you don't wanna cook your roots.

good luck and happy growing, have a Dank day


Well-Known Member
I would just make a tea using EWC, Molasses, Alfalfa meal let that shit bubble in a bucket for 24 hours then feed / water your plants with it .


Active Member
Like how others said a good tea should do the trick. I would make it using EWC, compost ( great for a quick green up), molasses , kelp, and if you truly have a N def ( check some pics to make sure) , I use a product called SN14 it's
veganic and is a great source of N without adding animal by products. I would as recommend using thrive alive b1 organic ( green label ) , it's great for greening things up. Also try brewing your tea for 36-48 hrs instead of just 24 hrs, I have noticed a little longer brew is good for that green up effect.


Well-Known Member
my airpump has died or i would have never even made this thread! also it may be a Mg def, gonna do more research. but i noticed the veins haved yellowed out leaving between the veins green.


Well-Known Member
my water ph was a lil high due to ph meter being off by 2 points...lock out of N maybe? my last few waterings were higher due to running out of molasses. i ph down my water with molasses.