What's the best PH DOWN?


Well-Known Member
I have been using GH PH down Dry And I am thinking of trying something else. Also I am looking for the best value. What would you all recommend? And what online store would you recomend purchasing from? I always go with HTG supply but I am open to trying someone else. THANKS!


Active Member
Im very interested to know also, currently im using some stuff from a fish store and its been working fine but I know its not the proper stuff to use.


Well-Known Member
If want to get a lot for real cheap and never have to buy it again, go to a pool store. They have larger containers than the fish tank ones for dirt cheap. Also if your ever in a pinch you can use lemon juice for down and baking soda for up, but they usually don't stabilize. They adjust and then within 2 days its back to how it was before you added it.


Well-Known Member
From what I understand the stuff for aquariums has the wrong chemicals in it for plants, our plants in particular.


Well-Known Member
ive always been told to use the shit from the fish stores because its cheaper, but the pool store one another guy mentioned sounds way better. Its all the same shit basically and wont give noticably different results than if you bought expensive weed brand ph up and down.


Active Member
Buy your adjuster from a hydro shop. I use PH adjusters made for adjusting fertilized water, the up contains potash and the down contains nitrogen and phosphates. These are things a plant needs anyways.


Well-Known Member
^ yeah but they dont need it in there pH adjuster, they need it in the soil/res, and also alot of pool acids are Phosphoric and Nitric acid


Well-Known Member
well i got drunk and just went ahead and ordered GH ph down in liquid form. 1 gallon was like 25 bucks or something. not bad i guess.


Well-Known Member
I use organic white vinegar (not acetic acid) as a pH down.

that or lemon concentrate work fine for me. Plus they're organic...


Well-Known Member
Yeah sometime you gotta be drunk in order to buy these chemicals that only cost you one easy payment of 'your soul'.


Active Member
I Worked for a pool company and their liquid PH down is the most efficient way to stabilize water for a longer duration. Also, it's way cheaper than going to a Hydro or Fish store. Furthermore, they sell a Granular form that is a higher concentrate; an can Burn your roots if the Granular S Are not Sufficiently mixed into your water Reservoir. So Go with the Liquid PH Down.:bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
im just using fish tank ph down and up till i need more----next year! then ill go to the pool store